
May 30, 2007

Has anyone seen this petition. It's interesting how many signatures there already are, over 40K. I never played the first one. I am actually more of an FPS/Sports/Racing games type of guy. I just figured lots of other computer gamers out there are looking forward to this game. Just wanted to see what everone else thought about the Diablo 3 graphics.


Mar 14, 2008
I'm really looking forward to D3. The same kind of things happened when D2 was announced. People where upset about the introduction of waypoint. But how much better did that make the game.

Blizzard has never been a compnay that's made cutting edge, high quality graphic games. They've made great games for people to play. I think all the improvments they are making to the game play are more important. I want them to spend more time making the balance of the game better. As well as making some cool new characters to play.

I can't understand people who want to have the same graphics as D2, the same characters. Why would anyone buy the new game if it was the same as the old one.

Just let Blizzard get on with it and stop all the stupid petitions.


May 21, 2008
After seeing the game play movie and the character profiles I have to say that I’m really excited about Diablo 3. I think that people have to bear in mind that what we saw only represents an extremely small percentage of the game. I find it amusing that there is already an online petition when we still know so little about the game. I understand that this game is dear to many gamer’s hearts (including mine) and it will be gut-wrenching if it flops, but have some faith.

Ten years of waiting has been a long time and its made people a bit anxious, because if this one flops they will probably have to wait another 10 years for Diablo 4.
That’s 20 years spent waiting for a sequel for D2!. Anyways Ill be following developments closely, but here’s a few things I like to keep in mind when I look at the D3 footage.

- It would of been criminal if the first footage of D3 was set in some dark dungeon where you could hardly see anything.

- The setting was probably chosen to show off new features like physics, destructible objects, character animations, differences in scale etc. That's why its well lit, so we can actually see this.

- D2 had day/night cycles. What might be bright and colourful during day time, might take on a whole different persona at night. The developers said they want to have more contrast.

- D2 had weather effects like rain and snow it won’t be sunny all the time.

- When you encounter a dark dungeon in D3 (And I’m sure you will) you will appreciate it for what it is. Think of the contrast that was created in D2 act 2 when the sun suddenly gets blocked in the middle of a bright desert.

- D3 takes place 20 years after Diablo's death in D2.

- From the cinematic it seems that the game revolves around the comet crash. I will assume the game will become darker and more hellish the closer you get to the crash site.

Now I know it might seem like I’ve been drinking the D3 marketing coolade, but the point I’m making is that it’s just too early to judge anything about the game. I think that all footage has to be taken into perspective, and that we shouldn’t shift the focus of the game to visual representation alone. Diablo was always more about atmosphere. It’s great that gamers are making their opinions heard in an organised manner, and I hope that developers are taking note. We just have to be weary about crying wolf, because we can only have so many petitions before they start losing their impact.


May 9, 2008

I'm gonna start a "not new artist direction petition" at the rate this is going.

40,000 people is like a drop in a bucket compared to the target market for this game, I think Blizzard can afford to lose these people if they so choose.

They want to make the game look "dark and gothic" - except to them dark and gothic means making the whole game look like an alleyway laid over an otherwise ungothic set of scenery. These frothing at the mouth fanboys really are missing the point of what "atmosphere" actually is, I don't feel we've really seen enough of the game to totally judge the atmosphere of it yet.

I suspect changing the art-direction at this point is a relatively long out cause given the developement cycle and the cost of implimenting a total change.


Jan 20, 2008

I fully support you in that endevor, I'm actually writting one up right now :p

Btw how would they know how tristam looked before diablo got there?

Diablo 1 Tristam also looked evil and scary before the evil was unleashed, check this picture of Diablo 1 Tristam and compare it to Diablo 3 Tristam: http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/5194/tristram2jh.jpg find the differences.

at the time of the start of the game, diablo's influence was already around for months, and also blizzard wasn't gonna waste money to put a day/night feature


Feb 6, 2007
I think its fine personally. It's something 'fresh', new, god forbid we try anything new. I would be really interested to see what D3 would end up like if the people who petitioned made the game. I'm pretty sure it would look exactly like D2, but with a 1280 resolution... And maybe a different class, maybe. Either way the irony of it all is I can almost certainly guarantee most of the people petitioning are going to buy D3 regardless. Not only that they'll probably even approve it more than the average person would since thye had such a negative first impression.


Feb 6, 2007
I think it will do well, I remember when D2 was released(and I honestly had no clue what it was, all I remember is wherever I walked it was there being sold in the local mall.) The question at hand is the release date. I'm hoping for a Summer 2009 release. That way I can spend the nights without having to worry about some report/assignment. I think anytime in 2010 is a little ridiculous. In fact it would be made marketing if Blizzard dared to show off a game and not release it until two years later. But then again its highly polished and would do well either way. Me personally would be turned off highly (probably would still buy it, reluctantly) if it does in fact come out in 2010. I saw on 1UP that it mentioned a September 2009 release date. Not sure if thats a ballpark or accurate.


Jan 20, 2008

Cuz then if it sucks then it'll be too late


Feb 6, 2007

This. Considering the information that was given out is equal to comparing a new car by showing just the wheels. There is going to be a lot more to show and much more to be revealed. They know this (hopefully) yet still have an uproar over the 'look'. Who's not to say some 'place' will have no lighting what so ever.(Me thinks would be pretty cool, maybe that club of light might be useful for something :kaola: ) But really its just too early to make any judgments.


Feb 6, 2007

But there is none here. In fact I think the majority agree with a little change. I for one like the fresh renewed look.


Dec 28, 2006
I just meant the OP, but it seems like he's not taking any sides, damn, i'll haft to use that line some other time..

There is a pro-d3 art petition somewhere I think.. with quite a few signatures.. though not as many as the anti..


Jul 18, 2008
I agree that some people are leaping to consclusions. However, it is true that one of the very distinguishing characteristics of the Diablo franchise has been it's dark, twisted, and disturbed ambiance, especially compared to other multiplayer rpgs. This set it apart from many other game franchises of its time. Some of the more hardcore fans apparently feel that the game takes too many artistic elements from WoW.


Oct 14, 2007
The graphics look more like a console game, it doesn't look the way Diablo should look but they could change that before its released, i don't see it coming out till end of 2009.

I won't go signing a petition over it, those things never work.


Dec 9, 2007
I think a petition is a little much but i do agree that the gameplay video looked like a cartoonish mix of Dungeon Siege 2 and WOW. I am very excited for D3 but i was hoping for a little more realistic look. In comparison D2 looks more realistic object wise. If the Game comes out in 1-2 years i hope they increase the level of detail and I personally wouldn't ever sign that petition but a "little" more gothic and realistic couldn't hurt for a 2009 or 2010 game.