Thank you for honoring Dr. Alan Kay, Ph. D. with this excellent summary of some of the basics of his ongoing quest to develop the Dynabook, a personal computer for children of all ages. Your article will help to dispel the popular but mythical meme now circulating that the idea of a tablet computer came magically from heaven to the innovative Steve Jobs. Over the years, Steve Jobs "appropriated" many of Dr. Kay's ideas for various personally and corporately profitable purposes. To me, the ultimate "slap in the face" Steve Jobs and company delivered to Dr. Kay was when they actively booted Scratch from Apple's iPhone and iPad App Store (please read the "Apple Rejects Kid-Friendly Programming App" article published in Wired at Alan,with whom I was once lucky enough to have dined, is too kind of a soul and too unselfish to have discussed that insult with you. You may also want to know that the Squeak and Scratch communities have been strong supporters of Apple, over the years. I find it unfortunate that their support has been so poorly repaid by Apple.
Nonetheless, we may hope that some day Dr. Kay's wonderful vision will indeed be appropriately implemented and I, for one, will celebrate on that day!