DirectvGo and VPN

Oct 29, 2020
Hi guys,

Like a year ago I moved from Argentina to Spain. I still pay for my DirecTV account. When I got here I noticed I couldn't use DirecTV Go's app or its live web broadcast because it's not available in Europe.
I started using a vpn, which works great and fast, but it doesn't do everything I would like it to. I can access DirecTV Go's web (using a private tab), log-in and watch TV, but I can't send it through Chromecast to my TV. I must cast the whole Desktop for it to work and it doesn't look that good. I tried using DirecTV's android native app and the vpn app on my phone. Doesn't work. It seems that google location services provides my account's location info. Same happens with an iphone. I tried using a phone with a google account from Argentina. It seems Chromecast also provides some location info and it doesn't work.
A very impractical and better solution would be for me to plug a laptop to my TV, that way I could watch TV in a good res, but I don't like that. Does anyone know a better solution?

Thanks in advance.
I thought you said it worked if you use the duplicate full screen vs just a single program. Using that with the cable will be a much nicer looking display than wireless casting.
Sorry, thats using my laptop. It seems google services (on my phone) shares my location info with the Directv App, so while I'm able to launch it, I'm unable to watch anything.
The problem with Chromecast and VPN is that once you connect to a VPN, you're no longer on the same network with your Chromecast. I would try direct HDMI connection between your computer and the TV for these cases.

Also - consider this VPN stuff a limited time experience. Content providers (Netflix, DirectTV etc) know pretty well the tricks, and VPN servers are well known around the world.