
Jul 19, 2009
Hello. Is directx 11 going to be that different form directx 10. Also when does directx 11 release???
What is so good about directx 11?
Leave your comments :)


Apr 8, 2009
1. yes of course

2. It should be out this fall/winter

3. hardware tesselation/optimizations/ all that great stuff that M$ puts in. Trust me, it should be noticeably better


Jul 19, 2009

Thanks dude. Will put of building new pc and wait for it.
Will AMD or NVIDIA make the gpu or will there be a whole bunch of them???


Jul 19, 2009

I love that you waste your time by putting that on this thread.
Maybe you did a little research. I didnt because i wanted to get a group answer.

AMD/ATI will be first to market with them, by quite a while if reports are to be belived. The idea is that the cards launch at the same time or very close to Oct 22 when W7 launches, im guessing the DX11 update for Vista will be in the same time frame as well.
Waiting to see whats what is the best bet this close to a new launch.



Feb 21, 2009

They both will have DX11 but it is expected that AMD will be the first to launch. It is unknown at this point what kind of quantities we can expect but AMD generally stays away from paper launches so I expected plenty of them. Hopefully low to mid to high ranges all around the same time as well.
I waited on upgrading from my 3 8800GTX ACS3 cards for this, BUT as you can see there arent that many directx 10 games out compared to directx 9 and there will be even less directx 11 games in the beginning and could be months before you see them (or one you like) to get released to test your new hardware and OS.

But on the same note its good to get the latest and greatest if it doesnt break your wallet so you are preparered once these are available.

The other question about the release of directx 11 video cards will be what level of video cards will be released 1st, low, mid or high end cards.

I havent read anything on that yet, maybe someone else here has but you may not want to get the 1st wave of directx 11 cards until you find this out.


Mar 27, 2008
DX11 games will pop up quicker then dx10 games. Many working titles now by devs.
Well i hear nvidia is releasing there fastest card yet then mid/slower. Ati im not sure.
I heard a rumor awhile back that ATIs top card may not be out til next year. Thats the x2 card Im sure. Rumor comes from a good source, same one that said the arch layout meant 800 shaders on R7xx series. Lets just say hes a w1zard at predictions


Apr 8, 2009
well i can't begin to understand why they would release the enthusiast cards last. It is us tech savvy people active in the graphics market that will know that DirectX 11 is out first, and we're gonna want our cards. Its not like some average HTPC user is going to run out and get they're low end card the day its released. But we would get the high end stuff. *tisk *tisk
Last i heard was that the top single chip card would be first with the next down card coming soon after, So like 4870 then 4850 with the 4830 type cards a few months later then as JDJ said X2 cards quite a bit later.
Im speculating that they are doing it this way to optimise the use of the chips. They can bin off the lower performing chips and cream off the exceptional ones for either a 4890 type card or just save them for the x2 cards. This way they would have plenty of chips for the main performance (not enthusiast) cards and mainstream cards while building a stock of chips for the slightly lower end cards like the 4770 or even 4670 cards. This would mean they dont release a card people cant find to buy like the 4770.
just me speculating but it makes sense to me.

Ive been thinking about this since I read it, it was just a comment made, nuch like his other one about the 800 shaders.
If nVidia comes late to the party, which it seems it may, at that point, ATI has a lil wiggle room to tweak their highend card. This could be a scenario as to why, but who knows. The x2 didnt show til almost 8 weeks later from the 4870, so it also follows precedence

Normally when a company is going to release thier flagship card ex: 4890x2 or lets say the up coming 5000 series, they have to do several tests to it (benchmark, torture, driver issues, longevity test, etc... to make sure there are as few flaws as possible. You dont want to spend 400.00$+ on a video card and have it crap out on you. So this is normally the reason why they are released last.

First off, there are no DX10 games (Stormfront excluded). All are DX9 games with a few DX10 features. And the only game I know of with upcoming DX11 support is GRID.

Remember, there was a wave of DX10 games when Vista came out, and people complained about the lack of a clear difference (Crysis) or performance. DX10 has actually done fairly well, when you consider the fact that the dominant OS on the market can't even use it...

DX11 will follow the same exact path. A few DX9 games will feature DX11 support, while the majority of titles will remain DX9 + DX10, largly due to all the DX10 hardware still on the market.

Either XP dies, or DX9 stays with us. Its that simple.


Apr 8, 2009
but xp will die. it just will. People buying computers after 2006 all have Vista and well, when most consumers pc's just need like another stick of memory, they get a new computer. I think with the average end users pretty much being forced to upgrade, xp will die out soon.
As long as Win 7 is the opposite of Vista (so far so good), we will be ok.... If it comes out to be a clone in the longrun then we will be doomed. Specially when MS stops supporting XP, so we will have to cross our fingers and hope for the best...

To this date I have been using XP Pro and DX9 over whatever Vista and DX10 has to offer, IMO the eye-candy does not justify the horrible OS issues that I have encountered using Vista. Bill Gates and his interns better get it right this time or else as far as gaming is concerned the console market will bury PC gaming forever.


Nov 11, 2008

Jaded much?

Vista really isn't nearly as bad as everyone seems to blindly assume. Besides legacy support issues I prefer it infinitely to XP, and have had not had a probelm with it in years. Seven is much the same as vista, if you dislike vista I can't see you enjoying seven as teh look and feel are very similar..

I mean, you can hate an OS all you want, that is perfectly fine.. But just because you don't like it doesn't equate it to the 'death of pc gaming.'


Jul 19, 2009

Why did you waste your time stating that. I didnt look and probably should have.