Display LG TV


Mar 28, 2014

Having a small problem with my PC to TV.


I would like to get 1920-1080 on my LG TV, on the website i bought it from it says 1366 x 768 pixels is the picture resolution will it be possible to get 1920-1080 on my TV then?

Anytime i go over 1366-768 the quality goes down, screen stretches and blurs up.

I have an nvidia 970 GTX if that helps.

Just changed the input type on my TV to PC and is better, still a little blurry.

Any ideas to fix this?

Thanks :)

No your TV can not sprinkle magic ferry dust and grow more pixels on the screen. The tv has the pixel resolution it came with, you can set it lower all you want, but setting it higher wont actually give it a higher pixel count, at best it will just distort the image, at worst you will get no picture at all.