Do I need more power?


Aug 1, 2009
My current setup:
Q6600 running on an Intel motherboard (will not allow overclocking)
4 gigs DDR2 800 mem
2 DVD+RW IDE drives
2 SATA 400 gig hard drives
Sapphire 4890 1 gig vid card
2 80mm case fans
Generic card reader
25.5 in Monitor running at 1920 x 1200

Currently I am using an Antec 500 watt psu. I just upgraded to the Sapphire vid car and new monitor. Should I buy a higher wattage psu? Crossfire or SLI is not an option with my motherboard. I use the pc mainly for gaming and I like to turn up the graphics quality and resolution as high as possible. Also, is my current CPU bottlenecking my system or is it still enough for now?