Does the Corsair TX-650 support crossfire?


Oct 30, 2011
Hi, this may seem like a stupid question, but then again I have only put together one computer so far.

I was recently moving all my components from one case to another and realized that my PSU, the Corsair TX 650, only has one PCI-e connector, which is what you plug into the graphics card. I would imagine that if I wanted to buy a second Radeon HD 6870 to increase gaming performance, I would have to plug in another PCI-e cable, right? Only there isn't one.

I went to google for answers and found a forum post on Corsair's website asking how he should plug in another GPU for his own rig but the answers were confusing--lining up molex connectors or something?

If someone could explain to me whether or not my PSU can support to GPUs and if it can, how, that would be great and I would be very appreciative; i really want to buy another 6870.

yeah sorry i meant one set of two PCIe. Now do i use the molex adapters that come with the PSU? Or do i have to buy seperate ones? all i know about molex is that it's what i plug into to power my fans. once again, pardon my ignorance
To be honest, unless it's a low range GPU I wouldn't use a TX 650 for 2 cards. Get at least a 750.

people have run two 7870s on a 650 watt psu, i'm sure that two 6870s will run fine. its not always a possibility for people to upgrade an integral part of their system, and i can't spare the money for a new gfx card AND a new PSU. plus, it wouldn't make much sense since i will prolly upgrade next year or the year after to top of the line single-gpu solution and might as well upgrade my PSU then for a farther in the future crossfire/SLI solution.