Does this look like a dead or stuck pixel?

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Jan 10, 2012
Hello, guys. I have Samsung s34e790c monitor. Had it about 1 1/2 years, I probably use it about 6 hours every other day. I just noticed today right in the center a grey mark. I'm trying to figure if it's a stuck or dead pixel.

Can I get your guy's opinions? Thanks

You can download the image and zoom all the way in. The image is good resolution.


It's definitely not on the outside screen. I rubbed it pretty thoroughly with a microfiber towel with cleaning solution. I know dead pixels are black but this one appears grey and looks different when you zoom in.

Anyone else have an opinion?
The more I look at it, it does sort of look like a smudge rather than a black square. But I put a sheet over my screen after I'm done using it to avoid dust and scratches.

It's not on the outside though. I scrub the heck out of it already.
Its not stuck or dead pixels. Its definately a smudge. Dead pixels are perfectly square. Its possible its on the other side of the panel. I once had a bug crawl into my monitor through the heat vents and I saw it crawling around in there for an hour till it died. The bug that is. You may have to take the panel apart and void its warrenty to clear whatever dust/dirt/whoknowswhat out from behind the panel.
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