Question Dolby Atmos Windows 10 missing features ?? (bought app)


Oct 20, 2018
Where did you purchase the software? Source?

Does your computer/build/OS have all of the necessary hardware and software requirements for the Dolby software?

Have you contacted support?

Paragraph 1.5, physically numbered Page 6.
The Windows store obviously ....
Is seems as the developers answered my question : "
Thank you for reaching out to Dolby Atmos support!

A pre-installed version of Dolby Atmos is specially configured to a device's sound settings during its creation. This differs from the Microsoft Store version, which is only designed to function with headphones or a home theater system. As such, the Microsoft Store version cannot provide some of these built-in features.

We appreciate your patience, and hope you have a wonderful day! "

Very very dissappinting :/


Yes - disappointing indeed.

However, such restrictions and limits etc. are quite common to pre-installed software or "free" versions perhaps downloaded later on. Likewise for beta software.

As for the Windows store that is not always the sole source for software., Unfortunately too many people, for whatever reasons, avoid the Microsoft store (or any "store" for that matter) and attempt to get software from other sources.

Such downloads are often buggy, corrupt, illegal, contain malware, and otherwise not suitable or applicable.

Ensuring that the software in question is from the applicable manufacturer is very much one of the first things to consider.

Third party download sites should be considered questionable and generally avoided.