Don't believe the hype, Use VISTA.


Jan 27, 2007
Well, I feel very VERY special indeed, after the amount of virtual slapping i've read on Vista I feel honoured to get the only working version. Ahh sarcasm, no i'm sure i'm not the only one who has good things to say about Vista. I think it's great, I use Vista Home Prem myself and apart from the UAC which can be turned off in 'msconfig/tools' it runs perfectly. It's about time Microsoft upgraded, XP is Old and dull in my opinion. I'm sure i'll create a bit of virtual flapping from the XP club but i'm glad it's dying but thats just my view.

What do you think?


Jan 20, 2007
I agree... I was skeptical at first but i have been running it since Jan and the only issues i have had with it was my fault for pushing the limits of the OS...
I run ultimate on my home PC and home premium on the laptop... I honestly like home premium better it seems to run smoother and use less resources. The only reason i have ultimate at all is for the RDP (term server) functions...


Aug 14, 2006
It's not as bad as some would lead you to believe. It has some AMAZING features, it truly does. But it also has some bugs still. So if you can put up with some inconveniences, then it's great. But if you expect it to run absolutely smooth, without issues, and as good as XP....then don't bother. XP was crap when it first got released....we've heard this before except people forget it was the same. And in fact, Vista is much better at launch than XP was, but most of the young-uns here don't remember that far back ;)

Yes, pros and cons. If you expect it to be without any problems, go with a Mac ;) If you can exercise a bit of patience and bite your tongue once in awhile, then it is quite a step up if you spend time learning it.


Aug 14, 2006
Again, it's not just about "features" per se. But more significantly, it depends on what people's expectations are.

It's like this:

You see a _____ (insert your favorite sports car here). For argument's sake, let's say you like Porsche. You see a Porsche. It has some "features". But it doesn't drive itself, doesn't have all the toys that the concept model had, and it needs some attention like changing the oil, fixing the brakes, checking the tranny, replacing hoses on occasion, etc. And you stand there and say, "That's a crap car, it doesn't do _____ like they said it would. And I have to put up with changing the oil. And it sucks more gas. That's crap".

I'll take the Porsche, you can drive your Chevy ;)

Now, don't argue the example, look at the point. It's similar to Vista. People expect the world, and expect it now, and expect it to be perfect somehow NOW. Even Porsche's, Chevy's and others need some fixing now and then and don't do everything ;)

Vista is the same. Yes it is an improvement. No, it's not perfect. Yes, it has bugs. Yes, it will take time to make it better. No, it doesn't drive itself. Yes, it needs "fixing" from time to time.

Similar analogy.

Do I like Vista? Yes. Does it have problems? You bet it does. Are they deal-breakers? Depends on your situations. So it's a question of whether an individual can put up with some teething problems in the meantime. If someone wants smooth running without a hiccup, get a Mac ;) Or stick with XP. But if someone wants that new car called Vista and is willing to be patient and exercise some prudence in "breaking it in" then they'll probably be happy with the results.

Like I said, it depends on the person. Vista is neither a huge success nor failure right now. It's simply a new product that requires people to evaluate their expectations and needs. It's great for some, and not for some. Depends on each situation. As time goes on and bugs are fixed, it will likely prove more tempting to switch. For some there will never be a reason to switch. It's a question of perspective and intent. And that, dear Grasshopper, is subjective for each person. ;)


Dec 8, 2005
It has some AMAZING features, it truly does.

Like what? The only ones I heard of were dropped as unfeasible, long before launch.

Again, it's not just about "features" per se. But more significantly, it depends on what people's expectations are.

It's like this: <snipped car anaolgy and some points about expectation>

So.... none then?


Aug 14, 2006
Actually, it slices, it dices, it makes julienne fries! It will win you the heart of men and women alike, make virgins long for you, rich people seek you, famous people follow you, and help you find the cure for cancer!

You obviously have your mind made up that all the "good" features are no longer "in", test drive it for yourself ;)


Aug 18, 2006
Lucky you. You should read some of the posts, esp from peeps with media centers, who suddenly find peripherals that won't function, such as TV tuners, or video cards. How frustrating it must be to have perfectly functioning equipment, go through the time and expense of an upgrade, and end up with a dysfunctional machine.

I think most agree the BigVole has wrung as much mileage as poss out of XP, and it's certainly time for a change -- one which has been promised for three years now (talk about dysfunctional). Not only that, but those of us who have watched that carrot dangled for so long, (remember "wait 'til you see Longhorn!"), then to have the product emasculated from what was promoted/advertised, and on top of that, produce an "alledgedly" finished product so encumbered with "issues" -- after that much time and resources -- can you blame people for not jumping on that bandwagon?

Some of us have been through the OS reissue bs from the Vole already, in the form of 98SE (hmm, why SE??), ME (that was a gem), Server 2003, and XP SP-2 (SP-2???? How long's it take to get it right?), we've learned to wait at least until SP-1, and the travails by some of you "lucky ones" to get the "glitches" ironed out before we start spreading the OS love. Just my humble opinion, but it's all mine.


Mar 6, 2005
Eh, whatever.

I'll just wait before upgrading to Vista. I don't really see any necessity for it yet.
I'm still waiting for Divx for Vista. I also have yet to see ANY vista game (Other than the chess and cardgame that comes with it).
Wake me up when something happens.


Aug 18, 2006
Actually, it slices, it dices, it makes julienne fries! It will win you the heart of men and women alike, make virgins long for you, rich people seek you, famous people follow you, and help you find the cure for cancer!
Yes, but will it cure hangnail or STD's?


Aug 14, 2006
LOL, I guess if you look at it one way.....without us "guinea pigs" using Vista right away, they wouldn't get SP1 ready as fast......LOL. The irony, I love it.

You certainly have some great points, and I'll be the first NOT to disagree. The thrust of my argument is that Vista is what is it. Good for some, not for some. The trick is figuring out which it is for each person. Certainly not everyone can afford money for another hard drive and an OS to just check for themselves and see if they like it or not. Certainly most don't. I'm fortunate to be able to, so I've done it.

I'm a Project Manager in real life. And not one day goes by that my project budgets DON'T get cut, corners are cut, schedules are changed, etc. And not ONE project I've ever built has ever been what was originally promised. Not one. Ever. But that's the way life goes, so Vista is certainly no different. Maybe some people have never experienced such disappointment (or is it reality?) and therefore expect Vista to be everything it was promised to be. Meh. I'm a realist and Vista is okay. Does it deliver everything? No. Does it do the job? Yeah.....with some reservations though. But also being an optimist, I'm hopeful the bugs will get fixed, things will get smoother. M$ has too much at stake NOT to. So patience is key.....not an easy task for everyone.


Oct 8, 2006
XP is old and dull. And Vista is new and dull. So what?

I've yet to get excited about an operating system.

Last time I checked, it costs money, and that means you'd expect to get something in return for that money. What am I missing? Aeroglass? Don't make me laugh!

It will be inevitable to get Vista, I know. There will be a point where it's too much of a pain in the butt to carry on using XP. But is anyone seriously claiming that we're at that point yet, or even that it will happen in the next year?

Je ne croix pas.


Dec 8, 2005
You obviously have your mind made up that all the "good" features are no longer "in", test drive it for yourself ;)

No, I haven't made up my mind. I was waiting for a list of the "AMAZING features" you mentioned which might have swayed me one way or the other, but they seem to have got lost in translation. Maybe just... 3 to start us off?


Jul 7, 2006
Once again

pssst windows XP still works.

For those people who bought vista, its obviously for their own means. Others who have it pre installed got lucky.

I read some blogs with people dissing vista even yahoo opinions and I couldnt stop laughing at these in the IT industry "specialists"... what a joke.
Dont hate vista if you can't afford it
or heard it sucked from someone
or read online it sucks

they make their articles like this because nobody wants to read how good vista is.(This is how most things are in the media business)

I'm actualy enjoying my home premium system. Driver issue is NOT a big deal. Those people that spend $2000 on a new PC and buy vista AND THEN complain about drivers, shouldnt have access to so much money then and should of isntead bought XP.
Duh... :p


Aug 14, 2006
No, I haven't made up my mind. I was waiting for a list of the "AMAZING features" you mentioned which might have swayed me one way or the other, but they seem to have got lost in translation. Maybe just... 3 to start us off?

It's not my purpose here to "sway" you. This discussion was not, and is not, about swaying anyone about anything. It's intended, from what I gather, to point out some objective information for those who may wish to benefit from it.

3 features? Here's more than 3, but you'll have to click the mouse yourself ;)


Oct 8, 2006
Well, the trouble with these things is that they're Microsoft's list! What I would find particularly useful is someone explaining what exactly, given the performance loss, cost, and driver issues, they think is actually so great about Vista.

Most of the features listed are general entertainment stuff that you wouldn't use your OS for in any case. Instant search is something I'll never use: the great thing about DOS was that it trained you to be disciplined in where you put stuff! Backup tools I'd just use Acronis. HDD encryption is a bit of a gimmick (just destroy the HDD if you're _that_ worried). The increased security is good, but again you can safeguard your system in XP with some ease.

This isn't to say Vista isn't great, but I for one would like to know what _users_ (who aren't beholden to Microsoft) actually think is better, rather than some marketing list.


Jun 12, 2003
I don't care how good it is - here in the UK we're being taken for a ride by Microsoft.

Vista Home Basic is £164 ($318)
Premium is £199 ($387)

Now on, the same packages are $192 and $227. Now why should I pay that difference for the same thing?

So, while Microsoft persisit in ripping us off, I'll stick with what I've got.


Dec 8, 2005
hrmm.. 3 features, ill start.. how bout the more efficient scheduler, and superfetch.. does that count as 2 or 1?

Superfetch a) mostly exists in XP, and b) is just a poor excuse for not enough RAM.

As for other features..

Aero - I've used it and see little point, even as it is being eclipsed by Beryl/Compiz.
IE7/WMP11 - Available for XP, not that I'd want them.

Other than DX10, which due to a lack of titles is a non-issue, I've yet to find a reason to switch to Vista. I thought a thread called "Don't believe the hype, Use VISTA." might have changed my mind, but perhaps not.