DoomRL 0.9.6 Released!



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As some DoomRL activity has been born on this newsgroup I decided to post
also here, hope you don't mind :D

DoomRL Version 0.9.6 is out!

Grab it while it's hot! A lot new stuff in this version, and a helluva lot
bugfixes (some of them realy critical). To spicen up your appetite - new
monsters, new weapon, weapon mods, and pushing barrels -- and there's more!
Also, the long awaited "unload weapon" option ;-).

A word of warning though -- this version is probably a lot harder, due to 3
1) health above 100% degrades now over time
2) monsters have armour - some less, some more - so plasma and chaingun is
not always a good choice
3) higher reload times

It may be unplayably hard, that's why it is still a beta after all ;-).
Anyway, tell me about the difficulty now -- is it still too easy? Too hard

For all those specialists out there -- A secret level with an Ultimate
Ending is to be found!

As usual the game can be downloaded from:

A full changelist (after version.txt)

v.0.9.6 (beta)
(14 bugfixes, 7 modifications, 11 additions)
[add] -- added two monsters (from DoomII ;-) )
[add] -- barrels can be pushed ;-)
[add] -- added knockback! Shotgun keeps their distance ;-)
[add] -- corpses ;-)
[add] -- added a few missing ASCII images
[add] -- armor shards to fix up your armor ;-)
[add] -- monsters may be armoured (Cyberdemon has 4!)
[add] -- non-standard weapons - watch for yellow '}'
[add] -- assault shotgun to be found :D
[add] -- added weapon unload button
[add] -- secret level and ultimate ending - realy hard to find ;-) <!!!!!>
[mod] -- upgraded inventory sorting
[mod] -- various reload times and various firing times for various weapons
[mod] -- percentage experience indicator
[mod] -- hp over 100% decays over time
[mod] -- LostSouls and Cacodemons no longer are affected by Lava/Acid
[mod] -- Barons and HellKnights are no longer affected by Acid
[mod] -- some item rarity tweaks
[fix] -- maybe fixed the barrel explosion bug
[fix] -- wait key (.) implemented
[fix] -- fixed health increases from globes
[fix] -- spelling mistakes
[fix] -- updated the keybindings list
[fix] -- fixed wound indication for > 255%
[fix] -- hopefully fixed the bleeded to death bug
[fix] -- fixed the bug of unexploding rockets
[fix] -- minor bug: Ironman didn't give HP at start
[fix] -- minor bug: name didn't show up after start
[fix] -- ROTFL - noticed that the double shotgun fired just one shot!
[fix] -- fixed item Rarity code
[fix] -- fixed a access violation bug (hope it's THE one...)
[fix] -- added a confirmation message before entering cheat mode

Have Fun!

Kornel Kisielewicz


Aug 1, 2001
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Fatal crash :( Unfortunately, I can't even provide any useful info. I had
just reached around level 10, done all the special levels so far, found a
small cache of weapons and armor, picked up an invincibility globe, used a
lever, and then the screen went nuts, 'scrolled' up to the top and blanked
the screen, unrecoverable past that point.

No crash details or logfile, could have been invincibility + lever effect


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Marcus wrote:
> Fatal crash :( Unfortunately, I can't even provide any useful info. I
> had just reached around level 10, done all the special levels so far,
> found a small cache of weapons and armor, picked up an invincibility
> globe, used a lever, and then the screen went nuts, 'scrolled' up to
> the top and blanked the screen, unrecoverable past that point.
> No crash details or logfile, could have been invincibility + lever
> effect perhaps.

It's the useless heaptrace info that scrolled the screen. Will turn that of

Kornel Kisielewicz


Jun 30, 2001
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Kornel Kisielewicz .-- .-. --- - . ---...

> As some DoomRL activity has been born on this newsgroup I decided to post
> also here, hope you don't mind :D

> DoomRL Version 0.9.6 is out!

Good work! Will give a peek when not confronted with excess of work :-(

> [fix] -- ROTFL - noticed that the double shotgun fired just one shot!

? Pull two triggers at once, so double damage, normal, would be nice if the
weapons have "auto/single shot" trigger anyway (shotgun and chaingun).

Respondit Pilatus quod scripsi scripsi.


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Loonie wrote:
> Kornel Kisielewicz .-- .-. --- - . ---...
>> As some DoomRL activity has been born on this newsgroup I decided to
>> post also here, hope you don't mind :D
>> DoomRL Version 0.9.6 is out!
> Good work! Will give a peek when not confronted with excess of work
> :-(


>> [fix] -- ROTFL - noticed that the double shotgun fired just one shot!
> ? Pull two triggers at once, so double damage, normal, would be nice
> if the weapons have "auto/single shot" trigger anyway (shotgun and
> chaingun).

Now it shoots twice. A trigger would be stupid I think -- a chaingun is a
lot worse when firing single-shots then a pistol.

Kornel Kisielewicz


Jun 30, 2001
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Kornel Kisielewicz .-- .-. --- - . ---...

>>> [fix] -- ROTFL - noticed that the double shotgun fired just one shot!
>> ? Pull two triggers at once, so double damage, normal, would be nice
>> if the weapons have "auto/single shot" trigger anyway (shotgun and
>> chaingun).
> Now it shoots twice. A trigger would be stupid I think -- a chaingun is a
> lot worse when firing single-shots then a pistol.

Hmm... according to my latest experience with Vietcong (3D combat game,
that seems to be very realistic in weaponry issues), auto rifles that are
switched into single shot mode profit from better accuracy, while auto
rifles switched in auto mode are much worse in accuracy because of recoil.
I guess you missed this kind of behavior. Single shot is interesting also
to avoid ammo wasting, when one shot seems to be enough. For double shotgun
anyways AFAIR in Doom you shot once with double damage. It is much more
interesting to double the damage sometimes.

Why one shot chaingun is worse than pistol? The same damage, clip of 50 so
practically no reload, did I miss accuracy differences?

Respondit Pilatus quod scripsi scripsi.


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Loonie wrote:
> Kornel Kisielewicz .-- .-. --- - . ---...
>>>> [fix] -- ROTFL - noticed that the double shotgun fired just one
>>>> shot!
>>> ? Pull two triggers at once, so double damage, normal, would be nice
>>> if the weapons have "auto/single shot" trigger anyway (shotgun and
>>> chaingun).
>> Now it shoots twice. A trigger would be stupid I think -- a chaingun
>> is a lot worse when firing single-shots then a pistol.
> Hmm... according to my latest experience with Vietcong (3D combat
> game, that seems to be very realistic in weaponry issues), auto
> rifles that are switched into single shot mode profit from better
> accuracy, while auto rifles switched in auto mode are much worse in
> accuracy because of recoil. I guess you missed this kind of behavior.

I didn't. Remember that we are talking about a huge, multi-barrel, as fast
as you can fire, not-accurancy designed weapon moloch. Did you ever see a
real-life chaingun? Try watching Predator 1 -- do you imagine someone could
aim such a thing? Real-life chainguns *dont* have a singleshot option.

> Single shot is interesting also to avoid ammo wasting, when one shot
> seems to be enough.

There's a pistol for that.

> For double shotgun anyways AFAIR in Doom you shot
> once with double damage. It is much more interesting to double the
> damage sometimes.

It is twice the damage in 096.

Kornel Kisielewicz


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bork bork bork Kornel Kisielewicz bork 4:36:42 PM bork 1/17/2005 bork bork:

> real-life [...] Predator 1




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Erik Piper wrote:
> bork bork bork Kornel Kisielewicz bork 4:36:42 PM bork 1/17/2005 bork
> bork:
>> real-life [...] Predator 1
> :))))))

The weapon is real though. (DISCLAIMER : the Predator is not ;-) )

Kornel Kisielewicz


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quoting Kornel Kisielewicz <>:
>>bork bork bork Kornel Kisielewicz bork 4:36:42 PM bork 1/17/2005 bork
>>>real-life [...] Predator 1
>The weapon is real though. (DISCLAIMER : the Predator is not ;-) )

It's real, but a real human can't hold it and fire it.

Doom's chaingun can fire no fewer than two shots at once. The first two
shots are perfectly accurate, but subsequent shots are less so.
David Damerell <> flcl?
Today is Monday, January.


Jun 30, 2001
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Kornel Kisielewicz .-- .-. --- - . ---...

>> Hmm... according to my latest experience with Vietcong (3D combat
>> game, that seems to be very realistic in weaponry issues), auto
>> rifles that are switched into single shot mode profit from better
>> accuracy, while auto rifles switched in auto mode are much worse in
>> accuracy because of recoil. I guess you missed this kind of behavior.
> I didn't. Remember that we are talking about a huge, multi-barrel, as fast
> as you can fire, not-accurancy designed weapon moloch. Did you ever see a
> real-life chaingun? Try watching Predator 1 -- do you imagine someone could
> aim such a thing? Real-life chainguns *dont* have a singleshot option.

I don't remember watching Predator, but what we are talking about seems to
be a gun with automatic burst fire of five bullets, with damage similar to
pistol (well was at least) and pistol ammo. So I imagine it's called a
submachine gun and the examples from that (sorry for misinformation in
advance, my knowledge comes from gaming) are H&K MP5, UZI, Ingram,
Thompson, etc. According to
all these weapons have burst fire and also single (double, triple) rate of
fire. Please note that the caliber is similar or identical with pistols.
When we are talking about rifles (greater caliber than pistol, much better
accuracy at longer range, auto fire, example the very best AK47), the
situation is exactly the same, with stress placed on single shot mode (as
it's the most accurate==effective over long range). You are talking about
heavy machine guns rather, that in fact don't have single shot mode, but
are very heavy and not suited to run with, but to place on tripod and cover
an area with suppressing fire rather than hit individual targets. These
guns are even usually serviced by teams as they are very heavy and require
a lot of ammo AFAIK. Only they have ammo in chains, because they are
stationary. The rest uses magazines as much more practical when in motion.

Please refer also to this glossary:

*sub-machine gun* a portable machine gun normally designed to use pistol

*assault rifle* - a military rifle offering selective fire (both full and
semi-automatic) with an effective range of at least 300 metres, and
normally firing an intermediate cartridge

*heavy machine gun* - a machine gun with a calibre significantly larger
than a military rifle cartridge but smaller than a cannon; in effect,
12.7-15 mm

So, regarding this, the "chaingun" seems to be a submachine gun as it uses
pistol ammo, so it should have a single shot mode also.

Respondit Pilatus quod scripsi scripsi.


Jun 20, 2004
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technically the doom gun isn't a chaingun, it's a gattling gun (as it
has multiple barrels).

as i understand it, gattling guns guns rely on the continuous rotary
motion to get a smooth ammo feed (as opposed to standard machine guns
which use gas pressure/recoil). indeed, modern motorised gattling guns
have to spin up to operating speed first before they can start firing at
all. (though i'm sure an armamentaphile will pop up with a
counterexample now ;-) )

so: no single shots :)



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David Damerell wrote:
> quoting Kornel Kisielewicz <>:
>>> bork bork bork Kornel Kisielewicz bork 4:36:42 PM bork 1/17/2005
>>> bork bork:
>>>> real-life [...] Predator 1
>> The weapon is real though. (DISCLAIMER : the Predator is not ;-) )
> It's real, but a real human can't hold it and fire it.

True ;-). But we're talking about the doomguy, he ain't worse then some damn
Gubernator, is he? ;-)

> Doom's chaingun can fire no fewer than two shots at once. The first
> two shots are perfectly accurate, but subsequent shots are less so.

Hmm, havent noticed that...

Kornel Kisielewic


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Loonie wrote:
> Kornel Kisielewicz .-- .-. --- - . ---...
>>> Hmm... according to my latest experience with Vietcong (3D combat
>>> game, that seems to be very realistic in weaponry issues), auto
>>> rifles that are switched into single shot mode profit from better
>>> accuracy, while auto rifles switched in auto mode are much worse in
>>> accuracy because of recoil. I guess you missed this kind of
>>> behavior.
>> I didn't. Remember that we are talking about a huge, multi-barrel,
>> as fast as you can fire, not-accurancy designed weapon moloch. Did
>> you ever see a real-life chaingun? Try watching Predator 1 -- do you
>> imagine someone could aim such a thing? Real-life chainguns *dont*
>> have a singleshot option.
> I don't remember watching Predator, but what we are talking about
> seems to be a gun with automatic burst fire of five bullets, with
> damage similar to pistol (well was at least) and pistol ammo. So I
> imagine it's called a submachine gun and the examples from that
> (sorry for misinformation in advance, my knowledge comes from gaming)
> are H&K MP5, UZI, Ingram, Thompson, etc. According to

This one, as ru noted below is a gatling gun, so none of this counts.

> So, regarding this, the "chaingun" seems to be a submachine gun as it
> uses pistol ammo, so it should have a single shot mode also.

It's a gatling gun wielded by a human. Try searching for gatling gun. And
the fact that it uses 10mmammo is just for gameplay.

Kornel Kisielewicz


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Kornel Kisielewicz wrote:
> As some DoomRL activity has been born on this newsgroup I decided to
> post also here, hope you don't mind :D
> ---
> DoomRL Version 0.9.6 is out!
I encountered one fatal error: I went downstairs and reached to a room
with two levers + one door. The door did not lead to a corridor - just wall.
So I pulled the levers, got some messages but still stuck to that room.
No way out, so I quit.


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I need some help with .bat files, that I currently think of as self-made
shortcuts. I know they can be used for more, but as I'm not very good
with Dos shortcutting is enough ATM.

When I play DoomRL through the .bat, the colors are wrong. Brown (doors)
is yellow, I can't make (double) shotgun from pistol, etc. If I remove
line 'mode con cp select=437' from the .bat, colors are right but the
screen is much smaller, only about half the height (vertical) than when
run with garbled colors. I tried googling but didn't find anything of
use, only that the line sets codepage.

I would also like to know how to choose the directory the .bat is
executed in. In normal shortcuts, you choose this work folder (or
similar, I'm not sure of the English term), but I can't use them. I am
using a transportable USB drive to get DoomRL, Adom, Crawl, Dominions II
and other dear friends from place to place, and the drive path changes
from 'E:\Adom\Adom_winbeta4.exe' to 'I:\adom' to 'F:\adom'. I can make a
..bat that executes Adom, but the savedg -folder is created on the folder
with the executing .bat, not to [E/F/I]:\Adom\.

Thank you for your help,

Janne Joensuu


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On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 00:36:01 +0100, Kornel Kisielewicz wrote:

> DoomRL Version 0.9.6 is out!
> Also, the long awaited "unload weapon" option ;-).
Wow, this alone would make this patch a must! BFG, here I come... :p

> A word of warning though -- this version is probably a lot harder, due to 3
> changes:
> 1) health above 100% degrades now over time
This is great! Forces me to play quicker.

> 2) monsters have armour - some less, some more - so plasma and chaingun is
> not always a good choice
Nasty... but nice, still. It's Doom, after all.

> 3) higher reload times
That changes feel. By quite much, in fact! I just didn't understand why
monsters kept getting so many attacks... :(

> It may be unplayably hard, that's why it is still a beta after all ;-).
> Anyway, tell me about the difficulty now -- is it still too easy? Too hard
> now?
Didn't notice anything like that yet.

> [fix] -- ROTFL - noticed that the double shotgun fired just one shot!
Does the double shotgun fire two shots at once, and is it supposed to do
so? For some reason I thought it would be a general shotgun that fired
twice before having to be reloaded.

> Have Fun!
I do, but also found a bug:

Stepping on a portal that is on lava causes loop: "There is lava in
here! Aargh! You feel like yanked away!..." repeats many times. Probably
not in that order though. Maybe you could add last lines to mortem.txt.
I died to it after my boots got destroyed.

Hell's Arena is still quite easy. I have always entered it as soon as I
can. Atleast now I got down to 30%, before I barely got hurt at all!

Janne Joensuu,


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On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 16:10:48 +0100, Loonie <> wrote:

>Kornel Kisielewicz .-- .-. --- - . ---...
>>>> [fix] -- ROTFL - noticed that the double shotgun fired just one shot!
>>> ? Pull two triggers at once, so double damage, normal, would be nice
>>> if the weapons have "auto/single shot" trigger anyway (shotgun and
>>> chaingun).
>> Now it shoots twice. A trigger would be stupid I think -- a chaingun is a
>> lot worse when firing single-shots then a pistol.
>Hmm... according to my latest experience with Vietcong (3D combat game,
>that seems to be very realistic in weaponry issues), auto rifles that are
>switched into single shot mode profit from better accuracy, while auto
>rifles switched in auto mode are much worse in accuracy because of recoil.

Modern army doesn't even use full auto mode, but select between single
shot and bursts of three bullets (a reasonable compromise between fire
rate and accuracy).

However, that's for rifles. Chaingun is like a machine gun -- designed
specifically for fully automatic fire. It just isn't going to be good
as a single shot weapon anyway.

>Why one shot chaingun is worse than pistol? The same damage, clip of 50 so
>practically no reload, did I miss accuracy differences?

Pistols are designed to be aimed and fired for accurate single shots.
Aiming a chaingun should be harder.

R. Dan Henry


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J.M. Joensuu wrote:
> When I play DoomRL through the .bat, the colors are wrong. Brown
> (doors) is yellow, I can't make (double) shotgun from pistol, etc. If
> I remove line 'mode con cp select=437' from the .bat, colors are
> right but the screen is much smaller, only about half the height
> (vertical) than when run with garbled colors.

I think you removed the line "mode con lines=25". Try removing only the cp
select line.

> I would also like to know how to choose the directory the .bat is
> executed in. In normal shortcuts, you choose this work folder (or
> similar, I'm not sure of the English term), but I can't use them.

AFAIR you can choose the *.bat file and use the normal properties dialog. Or
you can create a shortcut to the *.bat file. If that doesn't do the trick
you can always use "cd Full_Directory_Path" line (eg "cd E:\Adom\").

Kornel Kisielewicz


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J.M. Joensuu wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 00:36:01 +0100, Kornel Kisielewicz wrote:
>> DoomRL Version 0.9.6 is out!
>> Also, the long awaited "unload weapon" option ;-).
> Wow, this alone would make this patch a must! BFG, here I come... :p


>> A word of warning though -- this version is probably a lot harder,
>> due to 3 changes:
>> 1) health above 100% degrades now over time
> This is great! Forces me to play quicker.

Yes it does. And there IS a win report, so the game is still beatable.

>> 2) monsters have armour - some less, some more - so plasma and
>> chaingun is not always a good choice
> Nasty... but nice, still. It's Doom, after all.

As above ;-).

>> [fix] -- ROTFL - noticed that the double shotgun fired just one shot!
> Does the double shotgun fire two shots at once, and is it supposed to
> do so? For some reason I thought it would be a general shotgun that
> fired twice before having to be reloaded.

No, the original doom double shotgun fired two shells at once.

>> Have Fun!
> I do, but also found a bug:
> Stepping on a portal that is on lava causes loop: "There is lava in
> here! Aargh! You feel like yanked away!..." repeats many times.

Oh, this is not a bug per se. You had the completely improbable chance of
getting a portal that teleports you to ... the same square... 8-> I will fix
that though - cause it enters an infinite loop.

> Hell's Arena is still quite easy. I have always entered it as soon as
> I can. Atleast now I got down to 30%, before I barely got hurt at all!

Well it's intended as a hard welcome present ;-).

Kornel Kisielewicz


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Pekka Nurminen wrote:
> Kornel Kisielewicz wrote:
>> As some DoomRL activity has been born on this newsgroup I decided to
>> post also here, hope you don't mind :D
>> ---
>> DoomRL Version 0.9.6 is out!
> I encountered one fatal error: I went downstairs and reached to a room
> with two levers + one door. The door did not lead to a corridor -
> just wall. So I pulled the levers, got some messages but still stuck
> to that room.
> No way out, so I quit.

Uh, I'm sorry :-(. There's still a bug somewhere in the vault placing
routine -> it *very rarely* produces a level which cannot be completed
tough. I promise to fix that soon.

Kornel Kisielewicz


Jun 30, 2001
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ru .-- .-. --- - . ---...

> [chainguns]
> technically the doom gun isn't a chaingun, it's a gattling gun (as it
> has multiple barrels).

Got to take a look at Doom again someday.

> as i understand it, gattling guns guns rely on the continuous rotary
> motion to get a smooth ammo feed (as opposed to standard machine guns
> which use gas pressure/recoil). indeed, modern motorised gattling guns
> have to spin up to operating speed first before they can start firing at
> all. (though i'm sure an armamentaphile will pop up with a
> counterexample now ;-) )
> so: no single shots :)

With gatling gun - I agree :)

Quite an old concept I guess this gatling gun, as I don't remember seeing
one in "realistic" combat games. One of the Quakes has it I think. Or at
least one. So, this gun should have also a source of energy to function -
another few kilos to carry ;-)

Respondit Pilatus quod scripsi scripsi.


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quoting Loonie <>:
>So, regarding this, the "chaingun" seems to be a submachine gun as it uses
>pistol ammo, so it should have a single shot mode also.

This is a pointless argument from realism. Doom's chaingun fills the
function of an SMG; fires pistol ammo quickly. But it's depicted as a
rotary-barrel gun. It's not like any real weapon anyway.
David Damerell <> flcl?
Today is Tuesday, January.


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quoting Kornel Kisielewicz <>:
>>Does the double shotgun fire two shots at once, and is it supposed to
>>do so? For some reason I thought it would be a general shotgun that
>>fired twice before having to be reloaded.
>No, the original doom double shotgun fired two shells at once.

If it's like the original SSG, it should be possible to load and fire one
shell if and only if you have exactly one shell.
David Damerell <> flcl?
Today is Tuesday, January.


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quoting Kornel Kisielewicz <>:
>David Damerell wrote:
>>Doom's chaingun can fire no fewer than two shots at once. The first
>>two shots are perfectly accurate, but subsequent shots are less so.
>Hmm, havent noticed that...

It's true; firing leads into a set of frame pointers that fire the gun
twice unless ammo is exhausted by the first shot. You can't fire one shot
any other way.
David Damerell <> flcl?
Today is Tuesday, January.