i dont know, i wonder. can a fsb change fix dothan's shortcomings? Its going to need a revision, imo, before it can hit primetime on the desktop. you couldnt just drop a dothan in its form now onto lga755 and magically all its problems dissapear. FSB will not help FP. I belive there will need ot be an archetecture redesign before we see mass dothan on the desktop. remeber they still need 64bit and maybe hyperthreading. that would definitely require a redesign of some sort.
also, once agian, they gave no temps or power draw numbers when the processor was overclocked, why is that? Thats all Ive wanted to see this whole time. i knew at stock speeds its temp would be lower, but I want to know how it scales heat wise, or did i miss those numbers?
but i have to say there are bright spots for dothan, but we all already knew that. im sure intel lieks seeing dothan close the gap in some games, or maybe they dont care lol.
the last hting ill say is taht I hope they lower prices on motherbaords/cpus. $275 for the motherbaord is a bit steep imo.