Driver Issues



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

I've just had to format may my HD and reinstall XP home. When i go and have
a look in the device manager i have two unkown devices that are an Ethernet
Controller and a USB Controller. I also do not have a driver for a
Multi,media Audoi Controller. Could these all be interlinked and i just need
one driver to sort them all out or are they all seperate? Are thet related
to the Motherboard driver (i have a Asus P4R800). How can i solve these
problems and where are the drivers?

Jimmy H

Help Me!!!!!
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

They are unlikely to be interlinked (as you put it) but will be on the
motherboard CD for the Asus P4R800. Failing that you should be able to
download them from the Asus website.

"JimmH" <> wrote in message
> I've just had to format may my HD and reinstall XP home. When i go and
> have
> a look in the device manager i have two unkown devices that are an
> Ethernet
> Controller and a USB Controller. I also do not have a driver for a
> Multi,media Audoi Controller. Could these all be interlinked and i just
> need
> one driver to sort them all out or are they all seperate? Are thet
> related
> to the Motherboard driver (i have a Asus P4R800). How can i solve these
> problems and where are the drivers?
> Jimmy H
> --
> Help Me!!!!!