Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (
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Salut/Hi Sharon F,
le/on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:54:22 -0600, tu disais/you said:-
>> last sold. Failing to support a 98 feature in XP seems to me to be very much
>> the sort of arrogance that makes many professionals froth at the mouth when
>> talking about Microsoft. I really would have thought that it wouldn't have
>> been beyond Microsoft's ability to produce a decompressor/decoder.
>Keep in mind that XP is from the NT branch of the MS product line: WinNT,
>Win2000, WinXP. No drivespace present in any of them. The Win9x line was
>separate from that progression.
Good point. A shame that Colin didn't make it. However, I imagine (possibly
I'm wrong) that DriveSpace was written in C or C++. If that's the case,
there are sure to be suitable compilers which "understand" both operating
systems and a port wouldn't have been TOO hard, I suspect. I quite
understand that code to decompress a FAT16 or FAT32 drivespace volume onto
NTFS might have been boring to write, and it might have been no longer
trivial, but nevertheless, I believe that as a consumer, I have the right to
expect a company with such a dominent position in the OS market to take its
responsabilities seriously. (The fact that in the past they often haven't in
no way changes things).
>Your point is not lost though. For example, MSBackup incompatibilities from
>one Win9x flavor to the next. Or even drivespace, drivespace 2, etc.
Or Word documents. I don't use Word and it can be tricky sometimes to find a
suitable flavour of Wordpad.
Thanks for avoiding the agressive kneejerk reaction of one or two of your
fellow MVPs, by the way.
All the Best
Ian Hoare
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