E6550 OC help?


Aug 31, 2008
Ive overclocked my Intel e6550 to 2.97 Ghz, but i want to do more. Ive torture tested it plenty, and my temperature is still only about 45C, 50C Max and my voltage is only 1.42. I have a Nvidia EVGA 680i SLI Mobo, and 4 gigs of 800 RAM. will it be possible to bump it up to a little faster, and if so, how fast, and what are the dangers?

Also, will i need to reset it and re-overclock it if i get new RAM?
According to intels spec finder, you're good up to 1.5vcore - and I don't doubt that you can push it a further than 2.97 - I have an e2200 I've pushed to 3.1ghz with less voltage than that.

I'd keep trying to raise the FSB - and if you can't, either increase the voltage (play it safe...) or try raising the multiplier. What I found was that my proc. stonewalled at 315 - 320 FSB no matter what the multiplier was.
all right, its up to 1750 fsb, and the ghz is 3.06, but i want to push it farther, do you think it would be safe to push it up to 1775 or even 1800?