EA: No Patches for Battlefield 3 Outside Origin

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Do they really think this is going to stop piracy? When will these idiot game publishers realize that pirates don't have to deal with this shit, and the only one who has to are the legitimate users.

DRM is the biggest fallacy of the digital age, pushed by idiot managers who care about nothing more than maximizing return on investment and can't pull their head out of their ass long enough to figure out that this shit doesn't accomplish a damn thing.

Seriously. Can you name a single game that hasn't been cracked? I sure can't, so from where I'm sitting DRM has a 100% failure rate. How stupid do you have to be to keep investing in something with a 100% failure rate that consistently causes backlash from your customers?

Sad thing is, these idiots who ruin the games make ten times more than the developers who produce them.
That is why I'm still playing BFBC2, and plan too do so until EA makes a deal with steam. If there is no deal with steam I won't buy any of their games.
Are you guy's serious!?
I have just recently built a new PC and pre-ordered BF3 before it came out. Long time fan of this series. I play BF3 1-2 hours a day if I can. I do have a family to take care of but I try to make time for it. So I guess I'm a casual to serious player. At no time in the history of PC playing days have I felt like I'm paying for a crappy product.
First of all, I paid the money and it's my fault if I don't like it. Developers can't cater to every single gamer. Out of millions of players someone is bound to be dissapointed, fact!
Second, the way they have this game setup is not in anyway putting me out and making it hard for me to use. Origin is just another game service and Battlelog is another way to keep stats and play with friends. That simple. Why do people make such a big deal about this. Yall sound like a bunch of whiney babies. Give me a break.
Third, IT IS ONLY A GAME! It's not a mortgage on a house, car payment you make every month, nor is a child u are taking care of. It's a dang video game and it's one in many.

Every month I see new games that come out in the genre's I like. I read up on them and try to make a good decision about what I spend my money on. And guess what, there are games i just pass up. It's my choice. Quit complaining about what they are doing and play. That's the whole concept of video gaming. EA and DICE have not done anything to make it impossible for you to play. I play everyday and don't have to do anything weird to my system or internet to do it. I paid $40 for BF3 and I'am enjoying it. Try to do the same and quit trying to put developers and publishers on this perfect pedestal. They will never 100% please everyone.
[citation][nom]Marthian[/nom]I bet the worst part of all this is that they will use this as an excuse not to develop for the PC.[/citation]Fine by me FU EA, Publishers who did the STALKER games will rule then and we won't have to put up with EA's BS and crony reviews who over-rate the pice of crap with tiny little maps because the kiddie consoles can't handle anything big.
[citation][nom]tethoma[/nom]The worst part is no in game VOIP. You have to use a 3rd party voip service, and then your squad gets split up on to other teams ALL the time. Making team gameplay a pain in the ass with more than 2 people. Multiplayer. Ball Dropped.[/citation]

Worst part? I can list plenty of other in-game mechanics that are worse than your issue. Use Ventrilo, TS, Skype, Mumble, or other communication variant.
Australia? I can see why they complain because lots of Australians I've met complained of high priced slow internet services and low data caps. One of them even complained about his ISP enforcing a 200 megabyte cap.
I'm glad I got the game for free with the SSD i bought off Newegg during the black friday sales because after that latest huge patch, starting anything in the game just makes it start loading and then I get "Something went wrong." Makes the game worth about as much as I paid for it- nothing.
@dirtyducati: yes, I think they are serious. Your argument would hold water except that there are a lot of aspects of a game that you don't see until you play it, and generally you have to buy the game to play it. If I knew then what I know now I would not have bought BF3. There are many issues with this game.

1) the last time I checked there is no way to communicate in a coop game. Why?
2) in order to be competitive in multiplayer you have to unlock weapons, armor, abilities, etc... What this means is that if you start playing multiplayer now, for example, you are someone's bitch because they have better equipment and abilities than you. There is no such thing as a level playing ground in multiplayer. Want to fly a helo? Go for it!!! Oh wait, you don't have flares so anyone with surface to air missiles can blow you out of the sky and there is nothing you can do about it. Same thing with jets. Want to drive a tank? Great! Oh wait, you don't get smoke and you can't fire machine guns at the guys with anti-tank weaps so once again you are someone's bitch.
3) on my system, after playing multiplayer for a while I suddenly get lag and frame rate issues for no apparent reason. The only way to fix it is to restart the game. My system is windows 7 pro x64 running on i7-920, 12GB of RAM, two Intel 160GB SSD's running in a RAID0, and two ATI 4850's, so I think my system has enough horsepower to go the distance.
4) the launch mechanism for this game is terrible imo. Why do I need to launch the game using a fargin' internet browser?
5) and I hate the fact that the only way I can play this game, which does not require a subscription, is to give EA my personal information through Origin. Why does EA/Origin need any information from me at all for me to play this game? Why do I have to give my birthdate, for example? There is absolutely no reason why EA/Origin needs this information. Even if someone who is underage bought the game they could just lie. But hey, be like Sony and gather more information that you need so that you can get hacked later and have all of your customer's screwed over by your greedy gathering of marketing data. My solution to this? I lie and keep notes on what lies I told to who. After all it isn't any of ther fargin' business to know half of the crap they want.

I am sure I can think of more issues if I put my mind to it, but I think these issues are enough to illustrate my point that you can't always know everything about a game before you buy it, and there is no way to return a game and get your money back that I know of, and these greedy game distributors and developers are now making it so you can't sell your game used, so basically, it is a giant FU from the game distributors and developers if you don't like the game. They have your money and you aren't getting any of it back.
It's that bad huh? It is rare to see everyone agreeing on the same thing. So I guess I won't be buying this game after all. Thanks.
Your second point is actually the standard that all games attempt to do. So it is really no surprise that they try to make this game addicting like World of Warcraft by making you grind for certain gear than have a even playing field were people simply customize there strategy.
I just wish they would fix the Crossfire problems.

GPU1: 50%
GPU2: 30%
GPU3: 25%

Crap FPS overall.

A 5970+5870 Trifire should eat this game alive. But it performs worse than a 5870 by itself...

Really? This is seriously the first FPS game I have seen that goes out of its way to penalize new players. Yes, I see your point with WOW and other RPG's because you have to level your character, get the better gear, etc... But this is the first FPS I have ever seen that does this. I guess I have been out of the FPS for a long time if all FPS games are doing this BS. I guess I won't be buying anymore FPS games then.

Just listing off the games I have recently played, I don't think starcraft II does this, they have the achievement nonsense instead of building in advantages to players that bought the game early or have no life and play all the time. I don't know about TF2 or CS2, but TF and CS didn't do this. Rainbow 6 didn't do this. Tribes 2 or tribes vengence didn't do this (or tribes for that matter). Half life 2 or half life didn't do this. What FPS games do this that you know of?

But even RPG games like WOW try to be at least a little fair when they form battlegrounds. They at least group people together by level. You might get your butt handed to you because you have crappy pvp gear but you can always opt out of going to BG's if it pisses you off enough and there is still a crap load of content you can play if PVP isn't your thing. Unlike BF3, where the coop and compaign missions can be beat in a matter of a week, which leaves nothing but multiplayer left. If you opt-out of multiplayer at this point then you are done with the game unless you want to replay the same content over and over again. $60/week to spend on games is more than a lot of people can afford, and as far as I can see you can't sell this game used because it is attached to your origin account. And by the way, go reread the article again... EA wants you to attach the game to your origin account to get patches and do multiplayer and coop missions, so kiss your resale value goodbye as soon as you patch the game.
Since Call of Duty Modern Warfare most fps have been heavily focused on an addictive rpg concept. Also I am not arguing against your point on EA. I just wanted to tell you that many games do this nowadays since it makes people come back due to its addictive nature.
We have the same issue in South Africa. Most of our data plans have download limits and I reached my cap with this patch as I had to update 3 times via Origin (it always gave errors).

Only got it to work with this offline patch http://falconevo-blog.no-ip.org/index.php/battlefield-3-manual-patch-install/
[citation][nom]alidan[/nom]all that asside, what the hell is a 3.5gb patch fixing? did they just make battlefield 4? did the patch add 200 ish maps? tell me because i seriously want to know, what could have been patched in 3.5gb? did tessellation get added or other dx11 features?[/citation]
Back to Karkand expansion pack, that's why patch is 3.5GB, and to be honest they have FUBARed it with deploying it that way and throwing B2K maps in map rotation with standard maps. BC2 Vietnam was implemented much better in regard of map rotation, though even if you didn't own it you still had to download it with patch, which is stupid. Though the best way was with BF2 and SF expansion pack, everything separate.
I will never buy another EA game again. I dont care what they do to change origin or their policies about its use. I dont care if they start paying people to play their games I will no longer support a fascist gaming company thats gotten so big it feels it can ban people for cursing on their forums and lock them out of any game that they paid 30-60 bucks for through their crappy service. Im an American, I am not a slave to EA nor will I ever be.

@nrgx dont forget weapon balance. When you shoot an anti-tank rocket at an apc its supposed to be completely disabled if not blown up not just slightly damaged. Aircraft are supposed to have a limited number of flares and tanks should have a limited number of smoke charges. Then there's the m416 which they just tweaked to not have a burst fire mode. Before that gun would kill a noob like me in 3 hits and conveniently it fires 3 rounds very accurately. Then theres the mortar spamming... anyone who's been under a 2 man mortar barrage on the sine crossing map knows how much of a pain that is. Oh and dont forget the fact that you can set claymores down on hard ground like concrete and they are just as effective as if you had them embedded in dirt. And my personal favorite the flashlights. In full sun if someone 100ft away shines a light on their gun at you it blinds you completely.
Obviously from the the negative hits i got, nobody posting owns BF3 and if they do own it they've had nothing but issues with it. Go ahead and give me more negatives i've had 0 issues with the game and i love it. I'm sorry everyone on here has P.O.S PC's that can't run it to save there lives or run origin without having some issue when in reality its all USER ERROR and not EA's or Origin's fault. I've seen it time and time again to where it was the USER and not the SOFTWARE being the problem. You all need to stop your moaning and groaning and just grow a pair and learn to use them.
Why didn't they finish the game before release?
its always the same story with these games.
Release game. A few months later, sorry you need a 10 GB patch.
[citation][nom]Thunderfox[/nom]Metered access? How awful. But then what the hell kind of game - especially a recently launched one - needs 3.6GB patches? Sounds like they didn't actually finish it until after it was already on sale.[/citation]

The 3.9GB also includes the content for the Back to Karkand expansion that is soon to be released. Sort of silly that they can't split that off into a separate download so that people wouldn't have this issue.
[citation][nom]giovanni86[/nom]Obviously from the the negative hits i got, nobody posting owns BF3 and if they do own it they've had nothing but issues with it. Go ahead and give me more negatives i've had 0 issues with the game and i love it. I'm sorry everyone on here has P.O.S PC's that can't run it to save there lives or run origin without having some issue when in reality its all USER ERROR and not EA's or Origin's fault. I've seen it time and time again to where it was the USER and not the SOFTWARE being the problem. You all need to stop your moaning and groaning and just grow a pair and learn to use them.[/citation]

I haven't had many issued with the game either, except for the fact that it wont work with my AmbX system.. and I had to trouble shoot many things before I figured that was the issue, and battlefield 3 is the only game that has issues with it.

That and the occasional crash to desktop while launching, but that is 1 in 10 or so, and usually the first time I try to launch the game from a cold boot.
[citation][nom]sonofhendrix[/nom]Why didn't they finish the game before release? its always the same story with these games.Release game. A few months later, sorry you need a 10 GB patch.[/citation]

You should probably try reading the patch notes first next time.
If you are starting out just play hardcore to ensure the difference between your weapons and most others is minimal. All weapons have one shot kill in HC for headshots.
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