EA: No Patches for Battlefield 3 Outside Origin

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Ok well it's obvious a LOT of you don't even play BF3, or you would have noticed the people here asking why the "patch" is 3.9GB (according to Origin when I downloaded it), when it includes the Back to Karkand DLC as well. Sheesh. I'm sorry, but if you can't afford an additional 4GB on your internet bill to update the fooker, then why are you buying this game at all? For the single player? Oh god...
EA have finally worked out how to avoid piracy, make a game so that no one will want to pirate it, now thats clever.
[citation][nom]ryan714[/nom]Origin arrived way too late to become a relevant digital distribution platform. Similar to zune vs ipod.[/citation]

zune, lets be honest, parts of it were better than ipod, and personally i would rather have a zune than an ipod (ipod touch over zune though)

zune failed because it wasn't popular tech, they didn't sell cool with it, and may people believing itunes to be ipod only, and itunes being the most dominant music force at the time (dont know about today)

[citation][nom]jimmy-bee[/nom]Sorry EA (not really) but you can take Origin and shove it where the sun don't shine. I am not getting BF3. BF2 still does fine, too bad you had to ruin 3.[/citation]

how is battle field 2 population wise? i liked bad company, but for some reason, just cant get into battle field 3 multiplayer (i know the reasons, but wont get into them here)

[citation][nom]hoofhearted[/nom]I decided to buy this when it went on 50% off a few days ago. I chose to have a physical copy shipped instead of a digital download thinking I would get out of this Origin crap. Not true. Then after I go through all of the mess, I find the stupid game needs a web browser to even launch and requires me to add a plugin to my web browser. Probably just so they can show more ads. This has to be the crappiest game initialization I have ever been through. I can't understand how this game got such high marks in all the reviews. These reviews need to start weighing in all the excess minutia such as DRM, Origin, Games for Windows Live, etc.[/citation]

i will never get a game that plays though windows live again, blacklight was a GREAT game, but failed due to live, its sad that my favroite fps in recent times failed because of that.

[citation][nom]synd[/nom]EA should realize by now that their Origin sucks big time compared to Steam.[/citation]

thats why battlefield 3 is exclusive to it... if you had a choice would you use it? would you pay for live if you could get mulitplayer on 360 elsewhere?

[citation][nom]amk-aka-Phantom[/nom]No, that's EXACTLY what I don't want... I judge the game by the game itself, not by implementation of DRM and price.[/citation]

lets take japan as example, where its common to see a base game cost 100+$ and special editions can be over 300, or when drm is so intrusive that you cant play the game it was ment to be played (you hit a lag spike and you log out of any ubisoft game) when i buy a game i want to know the value im getting, TOTAL PACKAGE. i want to know what the reviewer things its worth, if the drm is horrendous, or if i should hold off, because though its a good game, its short (single player only games) i dont ever want to get into a situation where i read reviews of a game, and the game is spectacular, highly recommended, but than i get it, to find out that it costs 80$, the game is 4 hours long, and the drm creates so many bugs that its not uncommon to crash 3 or so times in an hour span of time.

[citation][nom]rohitbaran[/nom]And I hope it meets a similar fate as Zune. I don't want to install origin if I buy any games in future from EA (I have preordered M3 at least).[/citation]

ill buy my ea game, and pirate it to avoid origin, there are some games i just cant pass up on.

[citation][nom]willard[/nom]Do they really think this is going to stop piracy? When will these idiot game publishers realize that pirates don't have to deal with this shit, and the only one who has to are the legitimate users.DRM is the biggest fallacy of the digital age, pushed by idiot managers who care about nothing more than maximizing return on investment and can't pull their head out of their ass long enough to figure out that this shit doesn't accomplish a damn thing.Seriously. Can you name a single game that hasn't been cracked? I sure can't, so from where I'm sitting DRM has a 100% failure rate. How stupid do you have to be to keep investing in something with a 100% failure rate that consistently causes backlash from your customers? Sad thing is, these idiots who ruin the games make ten times more than the developers who produce them.[/citation]

i believe hawks 2 or something like that isnt cracked, but not because its uncrackable, but the crackers just dont care and no one else does either.

the best anti piracy is a bad game.

[citation][nom]phyrexiancure[/nom]Your second point is actually the standard that all games attempt to do. So it is really no surprise that they try to make this game addicting like World of Warcraft by making you grind for certain gear than have a even playing field were people simply customize there strategy.[/citation]

you are responding to unlock weapons, for the most part they are ok with me, but he is saying that a tank you cant use the machine gun to fire at a person, or a helicopter you cant do something i can only assume is basic, and on top of it, the road up in those to is steap now that people have unlocked higher and higher ranks.

its a balance issue.

[citation][nom]nrgx[/nom]Really? This is seriously the first FPS game I have seen that goes out of its way to penalize new players. Yes, I see your point with WOW and other RPG's because you have to level your character, get the better gear, etc... But this is the first FPS I have ever seen that does this. I guess I have been out of the FPS for a long time if all FPS games are doing this BS. I guess I won't be buying anymore FPS games then.Just listing off the games I have recently played, I don't think starcraft II does this, they have the achievement nonsense instead of building in advantages to players that bought the game early or have no life and play all the time. I don't know about TF2 or CS2, but TF and CS didn't do this. Rainbow 6 didn't do this. Tribes 2 or tribes vengence didn't do this (or tribes for that matter). Half life 2 or half life didn't do this. What FPS games do this that you know of?But even RPG games like WOW try to be at least a little fair when they form battlegrounds. They at least group people together by level. You might get your butt handed to you because you have crappy pvp gear but you can always opt out of going to BG's if it pisses you off enough and there is still a crap load of content you can play if PVP isn't your thing. Unlike BF3, where the coop and compaign missions can be beat in a matter of a week, which leaves nothing but multiplayer left. If you opt-out of multiplayer at this point then you are done with the game unless you want to replay the same content over and over again. $60/week to spend on games is more than a lot of people can afford, and as far as I can see you can't sell this game used because it is attached to your origin account. And by the way, go reread the article again... EA wants you to attach the game to your origin account to get patches and do multiplayer and coop missions, so kiss your resale value goodbye as soon as you patch the game.[/citation]

ok it wasnt a balance issue you were talking about, but complaining about unlocking newer guns and such.

balance i can get, weapon unlocks... you have been out of fps gameing for what... the last 8 or so years? and giveing people who play longer better guns doesnt make the game so unbalanced that its not fair, unless you suck so bad that you cant get a single kill... i have been out of fps games for a few years but come back every now and than for a few hours of multiplayer, and even with the basic weapons, i get close to the top on any of the rankings in matches.

[citation][nom]giovanni86[/nom]Obviously from the the negative hits i got, nobody posting owns BF3 and if they do own it they've had nothing but issues with it. Go ahead and give me more negatives i've had 0 issues with the game and i love it. I'm sorry everyone on here has P.O.S PC's that can't run it to save there lives or run origin without having some issue when in reality its all USER ERROR and not EA's or Origin's fault. I've seen it time and time again to where it was the USER and not the SOFTWARE being the problem. You all need to stop your moaning and groaning and just grow a pair and learn to use them.[/citation]

brother has it, plays.... well it crashes after a few games all the time, but it plays, and we both despise origin, the decisions they make regarding every aspect of how to run the game, and that we have to use a browser to launch it. there is ALREADY a platform for pc gaming, that has proven itself to be great, DONT REINVENT THE WHEEL.


maybe you need to stop your moaning and groaning about people exercising their right of free speech. Ever think of that?

I think it is great that you are apparently not having any issues with running the game on your PC and that you love it. But it seems obvious that not everyone has your setup, not to mention graphic settings in game, and to blast people for having issues with the game when EVERY OTHER GAME THEY PLAY RUNS FINE, seems like perhaps it isn't user error or hardware as you allege. Yes. EVERY OTHER GAME I PLAY on my PC runs just fine. I am only having issues with BF3. In some cases I have three instances of a game running at once using three different accounts and I don't have any issues. It isn't user error and it isn't my hardware. It is BF3 messing up. Period.

the issue I have is when I hit someone in the head with a tank's machine gun and the person doesn't die. I then have to hit the person in the head again to make the person die. With a tank's machine gun. Really? it takes two hits to the head to kill a person with a tank's machine gun? Sorry, but this is complete bull blop.

The other issue I have is with recoil and general weakness on weapons that new players have access to, or the fact that you can get stealth, body armor, flak jackets, etc... that newer players can't get. And I know that the unlocked weaps don't have that recoil, and they have the nice special sites to make it easy to locate the bad guys, because I killed a dude and took his weapon. The only way for a newbie to get an unlocked weapon. Believe me, it was a lot easier to kill opponents with the opponent's own weapon.

In addition to that, if I shoot an RPG and hit a wall right next to a person, it destroys the wall but the person is only reduced to 58% health and then the person casually shoots me with their unlocked weapon and kills me with two hits. Yeah, it only takes two hits with a machine gun but apparently it would take three hits with an RPG? And I know that is BS because I have been killed with a single shot, so flak jacket FTW. Or if I shoot an RPG directly at a person it goes straight through the person. Literally straight through the person.

But I see your point about being out of the FPS games for a while. During that time I was playing WOW. (it is hilarious how the developers were all bitching about piracy reducing sales during that time but no mention about the effect WOW would have on sales of other games, but that is another issue.) I definitely can improve my general sneakiness and tactics which would help a lot when confronted by superior gear. But it is hard to be sneaky sometimes when your opponent had thermal sites and you don't have the special armor that reduces your thermal signature. Yeah, i saw that too when I took that guy's weapon.

Not everyone has "fast" connection as you. And, EA should not combine game patch with DLC. Its just not right.
i have a 250gb cap, although i go over it sometimes. overage charges aren't too bad. considering how much i use my internet, $150/month ain't bad. 3.5GB is fine with me -- more data means more content.

How can you complain about more content?
[citation][nom]cmcghee358[/nom]I just wish they would fix the Crossfire problems. GPU1: 50%GPU2: 30%GPU3: 25%Crap FPS overall. A 5970+5870 Trifire should eat this game alive. But it performs worse than a 5870 by itself...[/citation]
Oh wow...I'm running two 5870s in crossfire and although they don't scale very well it is an improvement from a single setup. What CPU and drivers/CAP are you using?
by the way its not a single patch its the 4 pack map EXPENSION combined with bug fix of current bf3. And what the problem downloading on origin i downloaded at 15mbps, why download else where.

Origin don't have mirrors. And NOT everyone has fast speed as you.
This just means peeps will be buying less and less games...... My kids had the new Batman on their XMas list but even they at this point are fed up. First ya gotta register it via Steam the normal way....then ya gotta register it via Windows Live (no thanks) and then ya fond out that the number of installations is limited to just 4 more. I'm nostalgic for the days when ya could buy a football [or CD based game] for XMas and ya didn't have to buy a separate one for each kid.

[citation][nom]ojas[/nom]Yeah i'm crashing every x minutes or so, where x is a random quantity.Eh? But what about the offline mode for battlelog?[/citation]

It included the 4 new back to karkand maps,guns and vehicle's. Along with what were fixes for some and problems for others.

They have said that this is the last patch that will have mandatory maps included with it, but I guess we will see if that holds up or not.
[citation][nom]Thunderfox[/nom]Metered access? How awful. But then what the hell kind of game - especially a recently launched one - needs 3.6GB patches? Sounds like they didn't actually finish it until after it was already on sale.[/citation]

That last patch with that size included the Back to Karkand Expansion Pack as well. On Tuesday they will release a new server update V12 that will allow the servers to put these maps in rotation.
[citation][nom]nrgx[/nom]the issue I have is when I hit someone in the head with a tank's machine gun and the person doesn't die. I then have to hit the person in the head again to make the person die. With a tank's machine gun. Really? it takes two hits to the head to kill a person with a tank's machine gun? Sorry, but this is complete bull blop.The other issue I have is with recoil and general weakness on weapons that new players have access to, or the fact that you can get stealth, body armor, flak jackets, etc... that newer players can't get. And I know that the unlocked weaps don't have that recoil, and they have the nice special sites to make it easy to locate the bad guys, because I killed a dude and took his weapon. The only way for a newbie to get an unlocked weapon. Believe me, it was a lot easier to kill opponents with the opponent's own weapon.In addition to that, if I shoot an RPG and hit a wall right next to a person, it destroys the wall but the person is only reduced to 58% health and then the person casually shoots me with their unlocked weapon and kills me with two hits. Yeah, it only takes two hits with a machine gun but apparently it would take three hits with an RPG? And I know that is BS because I have been killed with a single shot, so flak jacket FTW. Or if I shoot an RPG directly at a person it goes straight through the person. Literally straight through the person.But I see your point about being out of the FPS games for a while. During that time I was playing WOW. (it is hilarious how the developers were all bitching about piracy reducing sales during that time but no mention about the effect WOW would have on sales of other games, but that is another issue.) I definitely can improve my general sneakiness and tactics which would help a lot when confronted by superior gear. But it is hard to be sneaky sometimes when your opponent had thermal sites and you don't have the special armor that reduces your thermal signature. Yeah, i saw that too when I took that guy's weapon.[/citation]

ok, i cant talk about that much, as i never play tank or vehicle, i hate them, but i have seen a bit of it being played. im guessing that its that way so you cant headshot someone with a shotgun. at the same time i could say lag, but if you are in the game, and have a friend, go on a map with no one, and try it out, get a tank and try to headshot him, lag can also play a factor in headshots.

yea, it is easier to kill with an unlocked gun, but let me say this, i played fps games sense health packs where the only way to get more health, and i have been fairly good at them ever sense, like i said, getting close to the top marks with the most basic guns. battle field 3 can be hard to see people in a wooded area, but outside of that, if they kill me before i see them, i screwed up, though you have a point, there should be some kind of multiplayer that is just everything unlocked. --- on a side note, how hard is getting every weapons unlock in battlefield 3? i know that you need more exp, but in bfbc2 i was able to unlock everything in about a 2 week period of casual play, and my favorite guns unlocked relatively early ---

with the rpg its a mix of lag on your part, and probably a knowledgeable decision to make them do less damage, people hate it when others use rockets obcesively, as in their primary infantry weapon, they don't care if its to kill a tank, but to kill a person? that was probably a conscious decision to make them do less damage, it may annoy some, but it makes more happy.

and the thermal gear... yea... i do call bs on that allot, but consider where its meant to be used, the dark levels were a flashlight gives you away in an instant. even in a match where i was up against people like that, i believe it comes down more to who has the better reflexes and who sees who first, on more than one occasion, i have hugged the wall with a nube weapon, and have killed more people in a row, than i could ever imagine with a thermal one.

if you dont have it, get battle field bad company 2, and play that for a while. battlefield 3 makes it really hard to see people with how good the graphics are, bad company 2 will at least get you use to it. and its really fun to play, on steam sale (if its still there) it costs about 5-7$ and it should be coming up soon.
I bought BF3 from a reputable gaming store since October 29......but until now I did not get into the game due to crappy Origin, still downloading of some sort....just wasted my money and effort buying this useless and not working product......I should have buy the Need for Speed: the Run the other day.....but when I saw the Origin logo in the box, my urge died down.........
The patch is so big because the Back To Karkand expansion is included in the patch. Even if you haven't purchased it.
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