EA Promises Not To Be Worst Company Ever

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EA has dug themselves into a hole that will need at least 10 years to climb themselves out of.

Best of luck Peter Moore! You're gonna need it!
"EA admits that it is the worst company ever, acknowledges that their practices are the worst"... you'd only see that on The Onion.
well, its good to see they realize they have some, issues, to work out, but my view of them is, and always will be, negative, when they bought out westwood, they ruined my favorite gaming franchise of all time! Red Alert 2 is, and always will be my favorite game of all time. I know it is hard to come up with a sequel that is as good as the original, but RA3 was just a disappointing twist on the franchise. Don't get me started on the other "sequel" they made...
So improve as much as you like EA, but I will be taking my money elsewhere.
Well then... I don't like all those friggin micro-transactions. So I guess it's a really good thing I don't like Sim City, or else I would never buy a game from EA again.
"At EA we remain proud and unbowed."

Sorry you have no right to be proud EA your business practices are beyond morally wrong. Even for a large company that is in a spotlight more than the little guy what you are hated for the most you do in the wide open and not behind close doors. I think most of us can go on for a long time with all the wrongs you have done, but lets leave that to someone else shall we.

I have several hundred dollars which should be yours had your company been more moral. But until than I am boycotting your products and refuse to buy them.
Oh, believe me, the complaints are valid... they're just blown out of proportion when compared to some other companies. I think we should have a "Most evil publisher/developer" poll. Then people wouldn't complain as much about the outcome.
I didn't like EA since they destroyed Ultima Online, but thought I would try Battlefield 3 anyways. BF3 was fun, but woefully short campaign for $60. When I saw that the first DLC pack was available so quickly after release, I truly believe they made the entire game and then decided to break it up to soak all the money they could. I will NEVER buy another EA game, I learned my lesson.

IMO, they are the worst game company, but the worst company overall...not really, I'd have to give that honor to Best Buy.
If they were sincere (which is dubious at best) they'd prove it by releasing their stranglehold on the sports licenses so we're not forced to buy the same crap year after year because we have no option. "undue hate"? no...pete. You're just too close to see the problem.
So they make the promise, then that whole article is about placing blame elsewhere and trying to repaint themselves the victim and in a good light via the usual corporate sleazy doubletalk. They couldn't even escape the announcement to be better without cementing their position as the worst lmao.
And that is why I did not buy Battlefield 4.. later they will come up with no sense crap of premium.... I better wait before preorder again.
I love the fact that EA is going down. May hell be your most enjoyable place,EA.
Oh and the next time you're. in trouble with sales. and don't know what to release,don't you ever consider releasing a m.f. UNDERGROUND 3.
Keep doing wrong and be stubborn just like that stupid prick over there at Microsoft is...then you'll see the results . Keep making a mess out of your products and forcing people to buy SEGMENTED games...because ...I'm not sure if you people noticed it it....but this is a hell of a way to go under. So go ahead and screw yourselves -customers will ALWAYS. have the last word - no. customer =no money,got that?
Keep releasing trash EA, I'll definitely and intentionally(because that's how you do your thing) STAY AWAY. FROM YOUR PRODUCTS. And since I have a deal of influence over my friends,I'll tell them the whole story and make sure they stay away from you as well.
Hopefully you'll be burning in hell soon.
I will not be buying another EA game again other than Need For Speed which are still good fun

But currently I can't play any of your games because my origin is f**king broken!
My dislike for EA stems from their half-arsed Saturn games (granted, it was a bitch to code for effectively, but look at Sega's own titles), and their refusal to support the Dreamcast based on the Saturn's failure. A failure that, I'd argue, was partly hastened by their poor titles, though admittedly, mainly by the hands of Bernie Stolar.

And I still never understood why most of their pre-1994 Megadrive games were in mono, either.
I promise I will not buy your product, I will just download them on torrent sites, so if I found out its shitty, I will not waste my money, and will will not bow when I uninstall them.
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