Archived from groups: (More info?)
Don't know if any of you here have experienced this, but, it has been
mentioned in the PSS forum and it happens with more than a few aircraft.
At a select number of airports, while taxiing, the aircraft vibrates,
alightly at first and slowly gets worse to a certain point. Sometimes, the
nose wheel collapses and a crash is detedted and the flight restarts.
No solution has been found yet and was wonderring if anyone here has had
this problem. Some people have stated it happens at airports with add on
scenery. The aircraft involved so far are:
CS 727
CS 707
PSS Concorde
Don't know if any of you here have experienced this, but, it has been
mentioned in the PSS forum and it happens with more than a few aircraft.
At a select number of airports, while taxiing, the aircraft vibrates,
alightly at first and slowly gets worse to a certain point. Sometimes, the
nose wheel collapses and a crash is detedted and the flight restarts.
No solution has been found yet and was wonderring if anyone here has had
this problem. Some people have stated it happens at airports with add on
scenery. The aircraft involved so far are:
CS 727
CS 707
PSS Concorde