EQ2: Porter to Solusek Eye?



Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?)

I have finally made my way into Solusek Eye, and I have heard there is
a portal or porter that I need to find so that I can use it in the
future to get from the Lavastorm docks to SE very quickly. Can
someone tell me where this portal is? Thanks.


Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?)

friend@home.net wrote:
> I have finally made my way into Solusek Eye, and I have heard there
> a portal or porter that I need to find so that I can use it in the
> future to get from the Lavastorm docks to SE very quickly. Can
> someone tell me where this portal is? Thanks.

If you are looking at the door to SE, it is to the left of you, between
what looks like steam vents. It is a small platform that extends out
toward a lava filled gap, and has a glowing green aura or something
floating over it. Once you step onto that, you zone back into the
temple across from the bell to EL, and then you can walk on that one to
zone back.