Error Message on 1 users profile but not on others



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

We have just purchased a new computer with Windows XP and have set up 4 users
on the system. The first user keeps getting the following error message
whenever logging in: -

"Windows cannot load the user's profile but has logged you on with the
default profile for the system.
"DETAIL - The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the
registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format. "

however all the previous settings seem to have been saved each time he logs
out. Can anyone tell us why this is happening and how we resolve it?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

Hi Julia,

Corrupt profile. Most times, the easiest thing to do is create a new account
for that user while logged on as administrator, then copy over the user's
data and settings to it.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP
Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone
Windows help -

"Julia" <> wrote in message
> We have just purchased a new computer with Windows XP and have set up 4
> users
> on the system. The first user keeps getting the following error message
> whenever logging in: -
> "Windows cannot load the user's profile but has logged you on with the
> default profile for the system.
> "DETAIL - The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the
> registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format. "
> however all the previous settings seem to have been saved each time he
> logs
> out. Can anyone tell us why this is happening and how we resolve it?