A couple of days ago the internet suddenly went out on my Netgear R7800 all across the house, knocking out our smart devices in the process.
The wifi lights on the device are on, and I've tried holding it down; I've power cycled and hard reset both the modem and the router which did not solve the issue.
There's also construction going on outside the house right now, which had cut one of my ethernet cables which I've since replaced, but I don't think that has anything to do with, say, cutting the coax since I'm still getting a connection to the internet via my wired connection.
My dad is thinking about replacing the modem entirely since he's tried calling our ISP and they were unable to fix the situation.
I can try to provide more info as necessary
The wifi lights on the device are on, and I've tried holding it down; I've power cycled and hard reset both the modem and the router which did not solve the issue.
There's also construction going on outside the house right now, which had cut one of my ethernet cables which I've since replaced, but I don't think that has anything to do with, say, cutting the coax since I'm still getting a connection to the internet via my wired connection.
My dad is thinking about replacing the modem entirely since he's tried calling our ISP and they were unable to fix the situation.
I can try to provide more info as necessary