I have cable internet and an Arris TM3402A modem but whenever I try to use ethernet on it, it calls the network "Unidentified Network" and says "No Internet". What should I do to properly connect?
Then u should plug in your PC to the back of the WIFI router instead, which typically comes with 4 Ethernet ports.I have a separate wifi router.
@bill001g, The part number posted in the original post is a "TM3402" not an "RM3402" ... The pictures of a TM3402 show a standard 4 ethernet port router configuration.So do you have 2 boxes in your house on only 1. The RM3402a is only a modem. You really need a router to plug into the modem and then plug your end devices into the router.
That device is very strange it has multiple ethernet ports but you can only use port #1. Not sure what the other ports are used for.
Now technically you could plug your PC directly into the modem and it should work. Modem are kinda strange. You need to make sure nothing in plugged into port 1 and then boot the modem. You can then plug your PC into port 1.
This is not the optimum setup since only the single pc connected to the modem will get internet. You need a router if you want multiple devices to be able to use the internet.
Interesting.... 4 ethernet ports but only 1 active. Looks like a router acts like a modem ...That was a typo
This is from cox
I remember something about port bonding on 3.1 modems but I forget if it was this one that could exceed 1g.