Question Event ID 153 and 129 when connecting portable USB SSD ?

Jan 18, 2025
Hello, friends.

My Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 motherboard has an internal USB 3.0 port. I connect the front panel using an adapter from USB 3.0 to 2.0. The panel works fine with USB flash drives but when connecting external SSD drives (Samsung Portable SSD T5 and T3), problems begin. The first time the disk is always detected and starts working. It works great without any problems. But if you remove it and connect it again, then the second or third time it stably freezes. Most often, the third time. Or it may take a very long time (2-3 minutes) for the disk to be recognized and become accessible. There are many messages in the system events:
Event ID 129, Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort11, was issued
Event ID 153, The IO operation at logical block address for disk was retried

If I open My Computer while the drive is being detected, Explorer will freeze. If I remove the disk, it will not work in this port again until reboot. But it will work fine in other ports. And other devices will work in this port.

This happens on any hard drives, so the problem is not with them. The same disks work fine in other ports. I also tried different adapters from the internal USB 3.0 to 2.0. I thought that the problem might be in energy saving. But in the power plan settings there is a ban on disabling ports. In the device manager, I also found this internal USB port and set a ban on disabling the device in the settings. I have a feeling that the first and second time the port receives the necessary power. And after that, not enough for the disk to work. Could this be? If so, what can be done about it? Reinstalling Win 11 does not help. The latest drivers and BIOS firmware are installed. Please tell me what else I can try?

OS - Windows 11 Pro 24H2
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Full system hardware specs?

PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, used, refurbished)?

Disk drives: make, model, capacity, how full, how connected?

Other attached peripherals?

PSU: Be Quiet Straight Power 11, 850W, new
Video: Nvidia GeForce GTX 950.
CPU: AMD FX-8370
Disk drives: Samsung Portable SSD T3 (500 Gb), T5 (2000 Gb), or any others. The problem occurs on all of them.
Other attached peripherals: DVD-rom, another front-panel with USB and mini-jack, network card PCI-E with intel9260 chipset (with USB for Bluetooth), Kingston SSD DC500M 1.92Tb.
Hello, friends.

My Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 motherboard has an internal USB 3.0 port. I connect the front panel using an adapter from USB 3.0 to 2.0. The panel works fine with USB flash drives but when connecting external SSD drives (Samsung Portable SSD T5 and T3), problems begin. The first time the disk is always detected and starts working. It works great without any problems. But if you remove it and connect it again, then the second or third time it stably freezes. Most often, the third time. Or it may take a very long time (2-3 minutes) for the disk to be recognized and become accessible. There are many messages in the system events:
Event ID 129, Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort11, was issued
Event ID 153, The IO operation at logical block address for disk was retried

If I open My Computer while the drive is being detected, Explorer will freeze. If I remove the disk, it will not work in this port again until reboot. But it will work fine in other ports. And other devices will work in this port.

This happens on any hard drives, so the problem is not with them. The same disks work fine in other ports. I also tried different adapters from the internal USB 3.0 to 2.0. I thought that the problem might be in energy saving. But in the power plan settings there is a ban on disabling ports. In the device manager, I also found this internal USB port and set a ban on disabling the device in the settings. I have a feeling that the first and second time the port receives the necessary power. And after that, not enough for the disk to work. Could this be? If so, what can be done about it? Reinstalling Win 11 does not help. The latest drivers and BIOS firmware are installed. Please tell me what else I can try?

OS - Windows 11 Pro 24H2
When you unplug these disk are you using the eject button in the taskbar?
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Sometimes the disk is displayed in "My Computer". But its size is not indicated and when trying to open it, the explorer freezes. But this happens, as I wrote earlier, only when reconnecting the disk. And only when connecting the front panel to this internal USB 3.0 port. Maybe this is a feature of the USB 3.0 port when connecting USB 2.0 devices to it?
Are all USB devices drawing on host USB power?

Do you have an independently powered USB hub to test?

Only the hub is plugged into the host computer and all USB devices then plugged into the hub.

Connect devices just one at a time, test performance, then add the next USB device.

All these external SSD-drives have only one cable. It is used for both data and power.

Unfortunately, i haven't independently powered USB hub.

I tried to connect the Bluetooth power cable from the network card to this internal USB 3.0. The network card with the Intel 9260 chip is connected to the PCI-E slot, and for Bluetooth to work it needs additional power from the internal USB 2.0. Bluetooth works, but after sleep mode or hibernation Bluetooth disappears. Sometimes a complete removal in the device manager helps, sometimes a reboot. When connected to internal USB 2.0 ports, there is no such problem. Everything works absolutely stably. It seems that there is some problem with the power supply of this USB 3.0. I thought that the problem was in the adapter from USB 3.0 to 2.0. But I tried three different adapters.
As a rule I would disable (for diagnostic and testing purposes) all power and screen savers, etc..

Also check all drives for capacity and remaining free space. (I limit my drives to 70-80% of capacity.)

Use Powershell to list USB devices

You can easily find other similar tutorials & "how-to's". No third party tools/utilities needed.

My suggestion is to just use the cmdlet:

Get-PNPDevice -Class USB

Then remove, uninstall, disable as many of those devices as practical.

Run the system to determine if the Event ID problems have ended.

Then add USB devices back, one by one, allowing time or at least a reboot between additions.

Objective being to discover if there is some number of USB devices or some combintation of USB devices that cause the Event IDs to reappear. Or some other Event IDs appear.....
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As a rule I would disable (for diagnostic and testing purposes) all power and screen savers, etc..

Also check all drives for capacity and remaining free space. (I limit my drives to 70-80% of capacity.)

Use Powershell to list USB devices

You can easily find other similar tutorials & "how-to's". No third party tools/utilities needed.

My suggestion is to just use the cmdlet:

Get-PNPDevice -Class USB

Then remove, uninstall, disable as many of those devices as practical.

Run the system to determine if the Event ID problems have ended.

Then add USB devices back, one by one, allowing time or at least a reboot between additions.

Objective being to discover if there is some number of USB devices or some combintation of USB devices that cause the Event IDs to reappear. Or some other Event IDs appear.....

I never turned on screensavers. The computer is always in maximum performance mode.

I tried drives with different amounts of free space left. The problem does not depend on this.

I tried disconnecting all possible devices from the motherboard. But this does not affect the behavior of this internal USB 3.0 port and devices connected to it via an adapter.

It seems to me that there must be some setting that will solve this problem. But I can't find it. Or is this a feature of the USB 3.0 to 2.0 adapter? Because there are no such problems with regular 2.0 ports and all devices work perfectly and stably.
Question about "I connect the front panel using an adapter from USB 3.0 to 2.0."

Make, model, source?

= = = =

Run the Powershell cmdlet.

Expand the Window so all can be seen. Take a screenshot and post the screenshot here via imgur ( > green "New post" icon).

Also run

Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_USBHub"

Lots of details but generally understandable. Look for anything that is not as expected or seems to be inconsistent with your build and the current configuration.
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Question about "I connect the front panel using an adapter from USB 3.0 to 2.0."

Make, model, source?

= = = =

Run the Powershell cmdlet.

Expand the Window so all can be seen. Take a screenshot and post the screenshot here via imgur ( > green "New post" icon).

Also run

Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_USBHub"

Lots of details but generally understandable. Look for anything that is not as expected or seems to be inconsistent with your build and the current configuration.

These are noname adapters from Aliexpress. I have not seen a branded one on sale. If such adapters existed from famous brands, I would gladly buy them.

I entered the command. The output is very large, so I am attaching it as a text file -
The attached text file appears to be non-English as translation was offered.

And as a general policy I do not open such files (English or not) any way.

Let's start with the first cmdlet:

Get-PNPDevice -Class USB

You should be able to copy and paste the full results into a post. If the results are too jumbled then we can easily change the output format to be more readable.

As for the longer Get-WinObject just read through it and match the listed devices to those devices installed on your system.

Some mismatch in information and configuration may prove revealing.

And (late thought), after reading back, what is the reason for the USB 3.0 to 2.0 adapter anyway? If the attached device is 2.0 I would expect it to work directly with the 3.0 port but at 2.0 performance.

What happens if you just do not use the adapter?

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The attached text file appears to be non-English as translation was offered.

And as a general policy I do not open such files (English or not) any way.

Let's start with the first cmdlet:

Get-PNPDevice -Class USB

You should be able to copy and paste the full results into a post. If the results are too jumbled then we can easily change the output format to be more readable.

As for the longer Get-WinObject just read through it and match the listed devices to those devices installed on your system.

Some mismatch in information and configuration may prove revealing.

And (late thought), after reading back, what is the reason for the USB 3.0 to 2.0 adapter anyway? If the attached device is 2.0 I would expect it to work directly with the 3.0 port but at 2.0 performance.

What happens if you just do not use the adapter?

Get-PNPDevice -Class USB:


I didn't see anything unusual in the second command output either.

The motherboard has an internal USB 3.0 connector. The computer has a front panel that connects to the internal USB 2.0. These are different connectors with a different number of pins and connector shape. You cannot insert a USB 2.0 cable into USB 3.0 connector. To do this, you need a special adapter from the internal USB 3.0 connector to USB 2.0 connector.

On the front panel that I connect, there is also a slot for SD cards. If I insert a USB flash drive and a SD memory card, I can insert and remove them in any order as many times as I want. They will work at the same time without problems. But if I insert any external SSD drive instead of a USB flash drive, then there will be problems with it the second or third time. At the same time, there will never be problems the first time I connect it.
Get-PNPDevice results.

Do the results match your knowledge and expections with respect to your system?

= = = =

Too many "unknowns" I think.... Some appear to be duplicates.

Are you able to present the results in English?

= = = =

I am confused....


"You cannot insert a USB 2.0 cable into USB 3.0 connector. To do this, you need a special adapter from the internal USB 3.0 connector to USB 2.0 connector."

That is not something that I have encountered.

I am wondering if one of your USB devices is using proprietary connectivity/cables.
Результаты Get-PNPDevice.

Соответствуют ли результаты вашим знаниям и ожиданиям относительно вашей системы?

= = = =

Я думаю, слишком много «неизвестных»... Некоторые из них, похоже, дублируют друг друга.

Можете ли вы представить результаты на английском языке?

= = = =

Я смущен....


«Невозможно вставить кабель USB 2.0 в разъем USB 3.0. Для этого вам понадобится специальный адаптер с внутреннего разъема USB 3.0 на разъем USB 2.0».

Я с таким не сталкивался.

Мне интересно, использует ли одно из ваших USB-устройств фирменные соединения/кабели.

Tell me, how can I set the output language for the command? Is there some parameter?

My computer has a card reader. It has several slots for different memory cards (SD, MicroSD, САБ MS Duo) and a USB 2.0 connector. The card reader needs to be connected to the motherboard. The cable for connecting the card reader to the motherboard has the USB 2.0 standard. But all USB 2.0 ports on my motherboard are already occupied. But there is a free USB 3.0 port on motherboard. To insert USB 2.0 cable into USB 3.0 port, you need an adapter. Because they are physically incompatible.
Overall, I have learned that those multi-card readers can be problematic for a number of reasons: design, cheaply built, firmware, software/apps etc.. May only work in ideal circumstances and not be truly as "all-purpose" as often touted. Few devices are truely "all-in-one".....

As for the USB ports, consider that the OS simply cannot serve or manage more than some maximum number of USB devices. Power demands via USB ports being one concern. The free 3.0 USB port on the motherboard may not or may not be useable. You will need to read the motherboard's documentation to determine if the onboard port is actually useable with respect to the other devices that are connected to the motherboard. Only certain combinations may be supported and may or may not include USB.

Does that specific USB port appear in Device Manager? The problem could be with the controllers and interrupts.

Also: "To insert USB 2.0 cable into USB 3.0 port, you need an adapter." Yes, if the USB port is physically different but adheres to the standard pinout configurations. For example USB A vs USB B. Male/female.


There are many websites available with information about USB plugs and ports.

= = = =

You can change language settings on the system. However, likely that the change will affect the entire system and not just Powershell.

DISM is one way of doing so.

Powershell has some capabilities:

However, that (full disclosure) is not a feature/function that I have worked with.

= = = =

My suggestion is to copy the results into a translator and copy/paste the English translation into a post here.

Not sure how the end format and results will appear - may need to adjust a bit if possible.
Overall, I have learned that those multi-card readers can be problematic for a number of reasons: design, cheaply built, firmware, software/apps etc.. May only work in ideal circumstances and not be truly as "all-purpose" as often touted. Few devices are truely "all-in-one".....

As for the USB ports, consider that the OS simply cannot serve or manage more than some maximum number of USB devices. Power demands via USB ports being one concern. The free 3.0 USB port on the motherboard may not or may not be useable. You will need to read the motherboard's documentation to determine if the onboard port is actually useable with respect to the other devices that are connected to the motherboard. Only certain combinations may be supported and may or may not include USB.

Does that specific USB port appear in Device Manager? The problem could be with the controllers and interrupts.

Also: "To insert USB 2.0 cable into USB 3.0 port, you need an adapter." Yes, if the USB port is physically different but adheres to the standard pinout configurations. For example USB A vs USB B. Male/female.


There are many websites available with information about USB plugs and ports.

= = = =

You can change language settings on the system. However, likely that the change will affect the entire system and not just Powershell.

DISM is one way of doing so.

Powershell has some capabilities:

However, that (full disclosure) is not a feature/function that I have worked with.

= = = =

My suggestion is to copy the results into a translator and copy/paste the English translation into a post here.

Not sure how the end format and results will appear - may need to adjust a bit if possible.

Yes, the internal USB 3.0 port on the motherboard can be used for any devices. There are no restrictions in the instructions. All ports are shown in the device manager and are working.

It seems that you do not quite understand what port we are talking about:


Get-PNPDevice -Class USB:

Nicely done on the translation.

= = = =

On the motherboard I see four USB labled ports.

In the Get cmdlet results I see four "Unknown USB Device (Device Descripter Request Failed)".

Googled "Unknown USB Device (Device Descripter Request Failed)"

Many results and many possibilities. Do a search of your own and then modify the search as you read and learn. Do not get drawn into any immediate urges to try some suggested fixes, download apps that claim to fix, do registry edits, etc..

You may read something that, thus far, has not seemed relevant or applicable to the problem.

What cable(s)/adapter(s) are you using to connect into those internal motherboard USB ports?

Module cables

This motherboard:

Do verify that I found the applicable User Guide/Manual.

Page 1-29 only lists one 20 pin USB 3.0 internal connector.

Page 1-31 lists three 9 pin USB 2.0 internal connectors. Note the warning about using 1394 cables.

Read those pages first then read/review the entire User Guide Manual. You may discover some other relevant factors in the fine print, warnings, etc..

= = = =

Three requirements (at least) must be correct:

1) the cable connectors must physically fit on each end.

2) the cable pinouts must correctly match on each end and match the end device.

[Problematic with proprietary devices and adapters.]

3) the necessary drivers must be installed, enabled, and correctly configured.

That the USB drives sometimes work is good. All three of the above requirements are likely to be correct. Even if only intermittently.

So I am now wondering about other things:

This "But if you remove it and connect it again, then the second or third time it stably freezes."

Do you use the USB icon to eject any given USB device before disconnecting it? And waiting for the "Ok" from the system? Especially when swapping USB drives.

And are you actually using RAID of any sort?
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Yes, of course, I have read the user manual for this motherboard several times.
Unknown USB Device (Device Descripter Request Failed) - these are devices that were previously connected and are currently disconnected (for example, flash drives).

To connect the card reader to the USB 3.0 port on the motherboard, I use the built-in card reader cable and a USB 3.0 to USB 2.0 adapter.

As I already wrote in this thread, I always use the correct removal of USB devices and wait for the removal to complete.

No, I do not use RAID.