EVGA 670 Performance/Temps


Mar 5, 2012
I bought the EVGA GTX 670 (non SC) 2GB on the day of release and have been enjoying it since :)

Came with the High Airflow Bracket installed, which was not advertised on the newegg website or any other at that so my temps are much better than what I have seen from others.

- Current overclock I have on it is +125mhz offset core clock / +240mhz offset memory clock totalling to 1228mhz core clock with the gpu boost.

- Fan speed set at 70%, imo quieter than my Twin Frozr III 6950s at same close to max fan settings (can only raise the 670 to 80% fan speed)

- Temps for BF3 1080p ultra 2x aa are 60-62C with 60fps vsync, 48-58C with 60fps cap through EVGA percision X. (So either I have perfect picture *no tearing* with higher temps or lower temps and screen tearing. Either way works for me :lol: )

I have about 65days to consider stepping up my card so hopefully by that time EVGA will offer more than just the 2GB 680 for $100 :/ if not I am fine with sticking with the 670 and purchasing a 2nd card.

I am still working on my mem oc but what do you guys think so far of the card :whistle:

For games like CS:GO/D3 it runs at 45C or less, for games like L4D2/B:O it runs at 50-55C, Alan Wake surprisingly runs the hottest out of the rest of my games, also looks the best graphically when cranked up.

I'll post some screenies and other related images later on, figured I would get this thread up now before I forget again.

System specs -

2500K 4.5ghz
Z68A-GD65 (G3)
2x4GB Vengence 1600mhz CL9
Hive 750W
M4 64GB
320 series 120GB
Spinpoint F3 1TB

Gothams Finest

Sep 15, 2011
Do you really need your fan speed that high? My fan speed never goes higher than 60% and thats with 2 in SLi.

Your overclock looks about average, though you should be able to increase the mem by a bit more.

Nice system btw.



Mar 5, 2012

Well I also use a fan profile but to keep the temps where they are now and not higher, usually 70% is required for games like BF3/Alan Wake. 60% I see very small increase but still noticeable :eek:

For games like CS:GO/D3 with the fan profile it runs quiet and cool, but even when I hit 70% it doesn't make much noise. I am gonna try out 65% some more to try and see if I can squeeze a tad slower fan speed out of it :)

Bringing the GPU memory clock down a bit can give you better chance of gaining core frequency.

Nothing really benefits from the data rate the 670 has anyhow...
Core speed is what gives your games better numbers with an OC.

Something I haven't considered ;o


Mar 5, 2012

Well I just like making sure my temps are as low as possible while maintaining my performance through gaming for enjoyment/competatively as well better temps = better oc in future if I decide to mess with voltages ;o

Just ran L4D2 with 60fps cap through precision, never went above 50C and sat around 45C with fan profile at around 60% at the time.

I guess I could sacrifice some temp'age if I really wanted but at the moment I don't see any reason to. I have no problem running fans at decent speeds, 70% for my card is decent imo. If I can go lower I sure will because lower = dead silent.

I will take your advice and try out the lower fan speeds for BF3 and other hardcore games that require alot of AA and will see how high my temps go. 85C just seems like so much lol. Even with 2 cards :eek: More than likely won't ever see this card run at 85C but thanks for the tip :)


Mar 5, 2012
Okay, after running BF3 maxed out 4x AA Ultra and changing fan speed to 60% the highest temp I saw was 69C with 140mhz offset on core / 100mhz offset on mem. Ran epicly. 57-13 first game / 38-7 second. :D

My pc crashed at the end of game 3 (very long games) when I had the core set at 145mhz so I am not sure if its stable :/

Gonna keep messing with it but for now I am very impressed at how the game looks @ 4x AA stable fps.

Gothams Finest

Sep 15, 2011
If it crashed then it is not stable, keep lowering the core clock or mem clock by 5Mhz at a time until it becomes stable.

Do you have a benchmark/GPU stress test you can use to test stability?

Wow, 69c at 60% fan speed while playing BF3, thats impressive. Do you live in Siberia by any chance lol. Your case flow must be very good. What case do you have? And how many case fans are you using?


Mar 5, 2012

I live in North Texas so my ambient temps are usually high (try to keep house at atleast 76F)

Case - 500R
3x Aerocool Shark 120mm *2x front intake/1x side panel*
4x Noiseblocker 140mm *1x bottom intake/1x rear exhaust/2x top exhaust*



May 22, 2012
One word - Skyrim. I have mods installed to improve the image in various ways - better lighting, better weather effects, higher dpi textures, etc. and regularly see my card at 100% gpu using 1960mb of ram and running at 80c. As has been posted, very few games will actually use the power these cards have....out of the box. Mod the *** out of Skyrim and get the awesomeness that these cards can really deliver! :D

my System

i7 3820 @ 3.8gHz
16Gb quad channel 1600mHz RAM
2x 60Gb OCZ Agility 3 SSDs (RAID O)
OCZ 650W bronze PSU
Palit gtx 670 2 Gb
M-Audio 24/192 Audiophile
Coolermaster Silencio case