Lutfij :
wow, there's been a lot since I last visited this thread 8 months ago... Ryan, hats off mate. You've been actively pursuing this endeavor nicely, quite nicely indeed!
Obviously that 2nd last line is not for peeps with a CLC 😀 who think blowing air through them rad is a tonne of work 😛
*are you a Thermalright brand ambassador? cos of all those fans and I think 2 coolers..or is that a Hyper 212 inside the case cooling the TEC.
** I still say your setup is a nice way of commendeering a room :lol:
Yes there has been quite a few changes since you last looked in!
Presently running 2 independent loops, the GPUs are radiator cooled using an XSPC Res/Pump, through a Black Ice 240 and 360, with 2 Heatkiller full face 580GTX cooling blocks. The radiator fans are Thermalright 2000rpm, controlled by a Sunbeam fan controller, both rads are shroud equipped and pulling the air through the rads. This setup allows a 40c GPU load vs 80c stock air cooling at the GPUs stock clock, and allows a 200mhz clock increase of the GPUs with the temp increasing to around 47c.
The CPU loop is powered by a Swiftech MCP655 pump to a XSPC Raystorm CPU water block, the return line goes through TEC assembly 1, then through TEC assembly 2, then to the Res/Insulated Cooler maintaining approximately 1 1/2 gallon of water, all tubing is insulated.
TEC assembly 1, is a switched controlled peltier assembly, (meaning it can be turned on and off as needed), the assembly heat pipe cooler is an old Xigmatec HDT cooler, cooling the hot side with a SanAce 110cfm fan. The cold side pickup water block is a modified flow XSPC Rasa, the peltier is sandwiched between.
TEC assembly 2, is the primary cooling which runs when the computer runs, the heat pipe cooler is a Thermalright 120 TRUE running the SanAce 100cfm cooling fan. The cold pickup block is a modified flow Swiftech Apogee XT rev2.
The cooler is a Rubbermaid 10qt cooler modified with an output drain, I chose that cooler because it's walls are 1 and 1/4th inch of foam insulation and since I needed low water storage volume with this new setup, ( :lol: Big change from the 54qt Coleman I began this cooling adventure with!), it was a perfect solution.
The CPUs cooling performance is pretty much whatever I want to do with it, with both peltiers energized the lowest I've allowed the water temperature to reach is 4c which is in condensation beginning territory, and it was still dropping when I turned off the switched TEC.
The primary TEC that runs all the time can maintain a 15c stable average of temperature which is usually 8c below my ambient room temperature, since I started this peltier cooling my CPU has not even reached ambient much less going above it.
If I chose to insulate the motherboard I could take it down to just above freezing or with anit-freeze below that, but that's just expressing what it can do, I have no intentions of doing that, I'm content staying above the condensation point, and freezing point.
Yes this does occupy some serious office real estate, but remember this was all an experiment to begin with to see what possibilities were actually useable.
My intentions are to time test the dependability of this TEC cooling, as radiator cooling capabilities is already established information, so my future testing is how to compact this cooling solution so as not to take up so much room, and at this point I have so many ideas.