I have a plan to water cool a PC chair I PMed Ryan about it but I don't want to bug him anymore so I thought i would ask it here. My original plan was to use a basic 3 fan rad PC water cooling setup but instead of it going to a CPU block it would run into copper tubing that ill put inside the chair. After reading some of these posts I learned that the rads will only cool to room temp which defeats the purpose. So I was stuck until I found out about TEC which I'm still researching and trying to learn.
Since finding out about TEC I came up with a plan to water cool the hot side then in winter I could put Y junctions on the copper pipe lines and run hot water to heat the chair but Ryan has proved that its not possible because the water evaporates from the hot side.
So after reading more of this post looks like I have to use a CPU pipe cooler for the hot side. Ryan has recommended 3 models should I still use something that big as its not heating a CPU or gpu?
For the cold side my plan was to use a water block either CPU or one from that site that's been listed before (hope they ship to Australia). I was going to use a 5" bay reservoir and a eheim fish tank pump as it had a higher flow rate then the PC wc ones.
I'm trying to plan it out and see if this will work before I rush out and buy everything so any help will be appreciated!
I can't seem to find anyone else that's tried to water cool a chair and my knowledge on all of this is limited.
Since finding out about TEC I came up with a plan to water cool the hot side then in winter I could put Y junctions on the copper pipe lines and run hot water to heat the chair but Ryan has proved that its not possible because the water evaporates from the hot side.
So after reading more of this post looks like I have to use a CPU pipe cooler for the hot side. Ryan has recommended 3 models should I still use something that big as its not heating a CPU or gpu?
For the cold side my plan was to use a water block either CPU or one from that site that's been listed before (hope they ship to Australia). I was going to use a 5" bay reservoir and a eheim fish tank pump as it had a higher flow rate then the PC wc ones.
I'm trying to plan it out and see if this will work before I rush out and buy everything so any help will be appreciated!
I can't seem to find anyone else that's tried to water cool a chair and my knowledge on all of this is limited.