[SOLVED] ext. HDD recognized in Disk Management, still no access to run/open/rename?

Nov 6, 2020
Got an internal HDD which I connect via SATA/USB as external drive.

Two problems:

  1. the HDD shows up healthy in Crystal Disk Info, but doesnt have a drive-letter.
  2. In Disk Management, the partitions show up in the lower window, but not in the upper.

As this HDD still has an Ubuntu installation on it, that might be a reason why Windows is confused.

Unfortunately, I cant just rightclick the drive and rename the drive-letter... to make it run as external drive.

Any ideas in this case?

Thank you
I just tried AOMEI but its not free anymore, so right now I m looking for a software within Windows to clean it
Use diskpart clean. Open command prompt and run these commands:
list disk
select disk 1
create partition primary
format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=E
1. the HDD shows up healthy in Crystal Disk Info, but doesnt have a drive-letter.
As this HDD still has an Ubuntu installation on it, that might be a reason why Windows is confused.
Unfortunately, I cant just rightclick the drive and rename the drive-letter... to make it run as external drive.
Probably formatted in some linux specific file system, that windows can not read.
Can you show screenshot from Disk Management?
(upload to imgur.com and post link)