Jun 16, 2024
My 7000D comes Monday. I went with Noktua 120s and I'm wondering what the push/pull setup should be.
I plan to top mount my NZXT Kraken Elite RGB 360 (I think). Any advice is welcome. TY.
My 7000D comes Monday. I went with Noktua 120s and I'm wondering what the push/pull setup should be.
I plan to top mount my NZXT Kraken Elite RGB 360 (I think). Any advice is welcome. TY.
If AIO fits in front, that's best place to put radiator in, set so it's acts as intake. Equal number of fans as exhaust back and top.


My 7000D comes Monday. I went with Noktua 120s and I'm wondering what the push/pull setup should be.
I plan to top mount my NZXT Kraken Elite RGB 360 (I think). Any advice is welcome. TY.
Check cpu + gpu temperatures with the apps you're going to run. Write it down.

Move AIO to front intake - if it can reach - run your apps, check temperatures, and write it down.

Move AIO to side intake/exhaust, run apps, check temperatures, write it down.

Compare, then pick the winner.
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