First ever build - preferably 800$

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Mar 26, 2009
Approximate purchase date: One week

Budget Range: I would like to keep it at or under $800 if possible

System Usage from most to least important: Gaming, watching videos

Parts not required: OS, keyboard, mouse, speakers, monitor

Preferred websites for parts: newegg, amazon, tigerdirect

Country: US

Parts preference: Intel, nVidia

Overclocking: Most likely

SLI / Crossfire: No

Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080

Additional comments: I want this to last quite a while so I want reliability and future proofing to some extent if I can get away with it with this budget

I've bad my eye on a few parts to start off with. I was looking at the i5-3570k, GTX 480, NZXT Guardian black SECC Mid tower case. I would love your guys input on if you think these parts give good bang for my buck and would also greatly appreciate you filling in the rest of the parts with your own ideas and why you picked them. This being my first build I am open to suggestion and look forward to seeing what you guys come up with! Thanks in advance.

Sidenote: This will be replacing my broke laptop. I am currently posting on a phone which is fairly frustrating which is why I didn't include links to the items I had already picked. If you could provide links to your suggestions I would appreciate it.


Mar 26, 2009
Upon further investigation it looks like the 3 boards in those bundle offers from tigerdirect I posted earlier got pretty poor reviews..:( the last thing I want to do is cheap out on my motherboard


Mar 26, 2009
Shameless self bump

Wanting to know the real world difference between 560ti 2gb by evga vs the evga gtx 480. Preferably first hand accounts of in game FPS. Also how big of difference do the cuda cores in the 480 make and will I see any performance gain in the 2GB card if I'm only playing with one monitor at 1920x1080, playing games like WoW, D3, BF3 and a few others.
have no experience with 570 i always favored 480 over it because it just as good as a 570 only runs hotter and louder than 570 :lol: