Folding@Home: THGC Needs You -Team 40051

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Welcome to Tom's Hardware Guide Community Folding@Home Team 40051 !

The following links in the "Table of Content" leads to a guide on a different thread.

Table of Content:
1. What is Folding@Home?
■ 1.1 What is the goal of F@H?
■ 1.2 How does F@H work?
2. How do I get started?
■ 2.1 Picking a User Name
■ 2.2 Download
■ 2.3 Passkey
3. Client v7 Installation
■ 3.1 Windows Installation
■ 3.2 Linux Quick Install Guide
■ 3.3 OSX Installation
4. Client V7 features and setup
■ 4.1 Slots
■ 4.2 Flags
■ 4.3 Remote Control
5. Sigs
■ 5.1 Tom’s Hardware banner
■ 5.2 Pico Stat Badge
■ 5.3 EOC Stat Badge
■ 5.4 Other Badges and sigs
6. Sites
■ 6.1 Additional guides
■ 6.2 Forums
■ 6.3 News
■ 6.4 Stats
7. About THGC Folding Team.
■7.1 Team Rules
8. FAQ
9. Credit

Please come in and join us against the fight of these diseases that affect many people!
Remember, nvidia gpus score much higher than AMD, and if you're careful, you can run SMP and GPU simultaneously.

The best website I've found for monitoring stats is at extreme overclocking:
Also to get the most PPD for i7 and other quad-core setups, it is best to run the linux A2 client (or whatever is newer). Though this would be advisable for advanced users, as some setup a Virtual Box on top of Windows just to still be able to use the machine for day-to-day tasks.

Here are some other great Folding@Home resources:

The Best Stats Tracker on the Web

Getting started:
GPU2 Setup Guide
Single Core Client Setup Guide
SMP (for multi-core or multi-threaded CPU's) Setup Guide

A little more advanced:
Core i7 Folding - how to increase your PPD <= Works great with any dual core or better CPU.
Optimizing your Folding - the importance of CPU Priority assignment
ATI Folders- Want to drastically reduce your CPU load?
Automatic Folding Recovery After Power Outage or Reboot <= Also works great if you want to start folding before leaving for work with the push of a single button 😀

Remember everyone, helping with this research could help lead to many lifesaving treatments.
All of your support may one day help save your life or the life of a loved one.
If nothing else, do it for the pure SCIENCE :sol:

Stats tracker and all guides compliments of Xtreme CPU.
I was wondering when you guys were going to start one of these threads, I completely forgot about folding for the longest time and figured I'd start it up again whenI saw a THG Folding thread randomly on google.

Just started folding for Toms a few days ago and I just past 5k [Raidur_TH] using SMP on my sig setup. Going to be adding in my moms PC in a day or 2 (Q6600/8800GT) SMP/GPU.
I have 2 computers folding@home 24/7 at work. makes me feel great because they leave their damn computers running all day anyway - might aswell make sure of the electricity!
i really wish we could get past the 70's.... imagine how much ass we could kick as a forum if all of us folded for a full week. top 50 anyone? cmon!

If the whole forum folded we could do better than that.

Yes, I get that from time to time.
Usually, after restarting the client, I can get it to connect.
Anyone have an explanation for this issue or a decent, preferably automated, workaround?

Mine just keeps retrying, restarting the client makes no difference in my case. Is it possible to 'force' another server to issue work or not?, I have trawled around various forums but have yet to find a way that works for me although to be fair it's not a major issue I just get cheesed off when it's on the 101st retry.
i got those issues when i tried to run a few clients on one machine... one just would NOT connect. have you tried using a different client? if you use cmd line version, try the install one and visa versa.
I've tried with the cmd line on it's own, the sys tray on it's own and the GPU1 & 2 clients on their own and in various combinations of clients running at the same time but the issue still crops up from time to time and I just wonder if anyone has found a way to force a connect to a different address.
Folding@Home seems to be making my video driver stop responding(im running the GPU client) it has done it a bunch in the last few days. I figure you guys might know, is there a conflict between the ATI 9.9 drivers and the folding client or something? I have just been leaving it on when i go to class but it seems when the driver crashes it stops folding which isnt very helpful.

I'm using Nv cards mate, so I can't help you sorry.

Running xp 32? If so check here and follow the link for the experimental CAL DLLs.

If not, post specs OS, VPU, etc.

A good resource for ATI issues:

Why are all our guides listed here?

Just curious 😛
Nice to see our guides are useful for folding. We welcome the challenge and the help. Fold on. Next time however, I would hope that we get credit for the work we put into perfecting those guides.
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