Formatted hard drive need files back?

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Jan 26, 2012
I recently reformatted my hard drive to install windows vista once again because my computer was in an infinite startup repair loop. I was in a rush because I had to do a very important project for my AP chemistry midterm and now all my data is gone. I'm not savvy with a computer, but I do know the basics. Any help would be much appreciated! Oh yes, and I accidentally installed windows on my C: drive.. yeah.. Thank you guys in advance!

Recovering a small word file is one thing, but recovering a whole program like Microsoft word will be impossible especially if you have such a small partition. Unfortunately the recovery software won't often get the whole file back, which is fine for pictures/word docs as the file can still be usable even with parts missing.
Where as a whole application will be completely useless if you are missing any part of one of the files.

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Did you do a quick format? Or not?

If you did a quick format there is a small chance that you can recover some stuff with software.

Was the assignment stored on your C drive?
To be honest I would start re writing your chemistry midterm now.
Let me clarify - I finished my assignment AFTER I formatted my hard drive. I'm just wondering if I can get back files such as microsoft office applications, etc. I did accidentally install the OC on my C: drive which I'm not really prospering from because I'm not able to download anything. My C: drive's capacity is only 15GB.

Recovering a small word file is one thing, but recovering a whole program like Microsoft word will be impossible especially if you have such a small partition. Unfortunately the recovery software won't often get the whole file back, which is fine for pictures/word docs as the file can still be usable even with parts missing.
Where as a whole application will be completely useless if you are missing any part of one of the files.

so you just leave an importent assignment on a hard drive and do not makes multiple copies to something like a USB drive or some other type of media. even before i knew anything about how to use a computer i always kept multiple copies of important info in multiple places

and getting the whole program back is almost impossible. it is not just the program you will need to recover but the old windows registry entries for it too which would lead to a bigger mess
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