My game has for a long time had issues with loading, especially texture loading. I sometimes go into a game and I won't even see my character skin, have a harvesting tool or have any buildings load.
It looks something like this:
I have a laptop that is in my opinion above average, an I hoped i had gotten rid of this problem when I bought a new one as my old laptop (with integrated graphics) did this too.
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50GHz
RAM: 8.00GB DDR4
GPU: GeForce GTX 1050
Storage: SATA HDD 1TB (plus possible PCI-E Gen.3 SSD)
I have tried many solutions found online and some of them bring help for about one day before the issue persists.
I should get about 70-120 fps normally, but now I hardly get 60fps, freezes also happen for 3-7s. When having FPS capped at 60, game loads but usually after I've landed (10-20 seconds which causes a huge disadvantage). At one point my game worked perfectly with cap at 120fps, everything loaded before landing and fps around 70-120. Now the game is causing massive stress and annoyance because of this and makes me not wanna play.
At this point I'm not sure if it's Fortnite causing the issue or my HDD. My friend has a PC with lower specs and it works better than my higher end laptop.
My in game settings are:
3D res: 1080p
everything except view distance on low or disabled.
View distance far.
Multithread rendering on.
vsync and motionblur off.
I'm honestly looking for any solution. Please help
It looks something like this:

I have a laptop that is in my opinion above average, an I hoped i had gotten rid of this problem when I bought a new one as my old laptop (with integrated graphics) did this too.
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50GHz
RAM: 8.00GB DDR4
GPU: GeForce GTX 1050
Storage: SATA HDD 1TB (plus possible PCI-E Gen.3 SSD)
I have tried many solutions found online and some of them bring help for about one day before the issue persists.
I should get about 70-120 fps normally, but now I hardly get 60fps, freezes also happen for 3-7s. When having FPS capped at 60, game loads but usually after I've landed (10-20 seconds which causes a huge disadvantage). At one point my game worked perfectly with cap at 120fps, everything loaded before landing and fps around 70-120. Now the game is causing massive stress and annoyance because of this and makes me not wanna play.
At this point I'm not sure if it's Fortnite causing the issue or my HDD. My friend has a PC with lower specs and it works better than my higher end laptop.
My in game settings are:
3D res: 1080p
everything except view distance on low or disabled.
View distance far.
Multithread rendering on.
vsync and motionblur off.
I'm honestly looking for any solution. Please help