Question Fps Drop | Laptop PC


Jan 23, 2018

I have a Dell XPS 15 9560 with the following hardware:
-Intel Core i5-7300HQ
-NVIDIA Ge-force GTX 1050
-8gb RAM SK Hynix
-Intel HD Graphics 630
-SSD Sk Hynix 128gb
-Hard Drive 1tb

and the following software drivers:
-Latest BIOS 1.16.0
-Latest NVIDIA Driver 441.41
-Intel Graphics Driver (number taken from computer management->display adapters->intel..->Properties->Driver)
-Intel Dynamic Platform And Thermal Framework Driver 8.3.10207.5567 (number taken from computer management->display adapters->intel..->Properties->Driver)

Now i am aware of the many issues that the Dell XPS have like thermal throttling and others and i have read many guides and also i know that they are not marketed as gaming laptops but i want to play some games from the past not some AAA next gene ones.

So my extra modifications are:
-Undervolting CPU offset -120mV
-Undervolting CPU cache-120mV
-Undervolting Intel Hd Graphics offset-50mV
-Putting some thermal pads on VRMs

Some additional tests i did:
-Enabling and Disabling Turbo Boost didn't affect performance and FPS
-Underclocking NVIDIA GPU didn't affect performance, only GPU temps
-Puting the game on the SSD
-Chaning some options on the Nvidia Control, like max performance and making NVIDIA high processor default

I have also played a game on an external monitor but it was a AA one so i will not include the performance for this, when i will find the opportunity i will try old ones (like the one i included in this post) to a friend's monitor.

I play games with:
- battery plugged in AC
-high performance power option
-dell power manager->ultra performance mode
-set to high priority in task manager
-and also msi afterburner opened just to monitor whats going on

Here is a video link of the performance i get, when running Company Of Heroes on Lowest Settings in 4vs4 map with all others 7 players being expert cpus, so they can spawn multiple units fast, just to stress things up for the cpu, monitored via MSI Afterburner.

[EDIT] If the quality of the video preview here is bad, open it on youtube. [/EDIT]

As you can see i have half cpu usage and low usage on nvidia and intel hd graphics. I think temps are also good enough, just in case of any thermal throttling.
What do you think?
Thank you in advance!