Question Fullscreen Gaming Issues

Dec 13, 2019
So yesterday I built and set up my first ever PC. However, when I set some games to fullscreen, they are responsive for about 2 seconds then freeze. If I exit fullscreen (by Alt-Tab) and reenter, it is responsive once again for a few seconds, but freezes. I use Alt-Enter to set them to windowed mode, then I go into the game settings to switch to borderless windowed. The games I have played are Destiny 2 (launched on Steam), Halo: Reach (launched off Xbox App), and Minecraft (launched as individual application). Minecraft didn't have this issue. Once it was in windowed/borderless windowed the games ran flawlessly.

I'm not 100% sure the graphics card is the issue, since all my drivers are up to date (or at least my graphics ones). One other thing I noticed is in Minecraft I was getting 200fps while in benchmarks I had seen with lower spec systems had been getting around 800fps.

I'm new to this and I will be happy to clarify anything.

System specs:
Ryzen 7 2700 CPU
MSI B450 Tomahawk Mobo
16GB G.Skill RAM 3200MHz
Windows 10 Home 64bit

Based on the research I've done, this should be able to run most games easily at 100+ fps.
make and model of the psu?
latest bios?
what the cpu/gpu temp and usage during the game?
ram/ssd/hdd usage?
PSU: Seasonic S12III 550 SSR-550GB3 550W 80+ Bronze
I have the latest BIOS.
Not sure how to track temps and usages. You use MSI Afterburner, right? I can try to figure that out.
Yeah, I'm having exactly this experience with my new build. Scanning the web, but no idea what's happening. Perhaps if more people having this issue join the conversation we can trace some patterns and find a solution.

In my case, I think that the only substantial difference is that randomly the game will work from launch, but if I alt+tab out and into the game again the glitch returns. But more often than not it happens from launch. Tried to reinstall the drivers, and my bios is updated. I smell windows 10 <Mod Edit> here, but I'm not pointing fingers yet points finger.

Win 10 home
Gigabyte B450M DS3H
Ryzen 3400g on Stock
G.SkillAegis 16GB 3000mhz
AMD Radeon R7 260x
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