I have a single GTS 450 ad I'm getting a second in the mail in a few weeks. It is SLI ready and I was wondering how or if I can use 3 or more monitors on the two cards with SLI. Incase anyone needs to know it has 3 ports VGA, DVI, HDMI.
Okay sweet I was worried because It seems Nvidia is trying to push their new overrated cards to the market more. I don't want to spend more money because the GTS 450 works great for performance.
Okay sweet I was worried because It seems Nvidia is trying to push their new overrated cards to the market more. I don't want to spend more money because the GTS 450 works great for performance.
Well with the new 600 series cards you can run 3 monitors with "one" card. The other cards you need to be in SLI.