Don't bother us with "other" monitoring utilities. If you're not using JUST HWinfo (And I do NOT mean "HWmonitor", open hardware monitor, or ANYTHING else) then you are wasting YOUR time, and ours.
Afterburner, and other "GPU tweak" utilities that are manufacturer specific are generally ok too but ONLY for graphics card related reporting.
Download, install and run HWinfo. Choose the "Sensors only" option and be sure "Summary" is disabled.
Use THAT information to make ANY and ALL decisions about what is doing what. About the only exception to that is if you are running a Ryzen based system in which case Ryzen master is trustworthy.
And before asking ANYTHING else here, please do us AND yourself, the favor of providing the EXACT hardware specifications we are looking at. CPU, motherboard, memory kit (EXACT, including if there are more than one model or more than one kit even if it is the same model), graphics card (EXACT model, not just "3080"), EXACT power supply model and how long it has been in service, CPU cooler, case, can fan configuration (For EACH fan, including location AND orientation) and what Windows build version you are running as well as what your current motherboard BIOS version is.
That, will give us a good BASELINE, for going forward.