Gaming in Taiwan


Nov 29, 2009
I think I may end up living here in the future but how's the gaming community here in Taiwan? I see a lot of ads of MMORPGs and theyre being sold in convenience stores, I was wondering if the far better mainstream games like MassEffect 3, Dead Space 2, Skyrim,(basically anything recent and actually solid games and not MMO's) actually do get played a lot here, or is it just a place where everyone just plays MMOs?

I don't really hate MMO's but I'd find a community where everyone plays repetitive MMO's rather bland
Yeah I hope so, I just sometimes hate it when I say sumthing well known out of the gaming market(that is kick-ass) like "Hey you guys know Mass Effect?" and nobody has any flippin idea aside from dota(here in the Philippines) and it might be worse in Taiwan
Titles that are AAA in the west are not necessarily as popular in the east. You'll see a lot more competitive gaming than you are used to probably, across many genres. You'll also be in the region that generally gets the best niche releases. People play games like ME3 and Skyrim, but they play games (seriously) that you've probably never heard of yet. Look at it as a good experience to broaden your horizons against some good competition.
Their games aren't normally WoW clones. They are just other mmo's. All mmo's share a lot of the same basic principles, but that being the case WoW is just an Everquest clone to the same extent that many eastern MMO's are WoW clones. Meaning that gameplay wise they are significantly different.

My real curiosity is why it would matter if people in your locale play Skyrim. It isn't a multiplayer game and the community for it exists on the internet more-so than local clubs or anything.
Are you looking for friends that play single player RPG's? I can guarantee there are taiwanese rpg'ers. I was in Taipei about 10 years ago and saw locally made and distributed single player rpg's in electronic stores. These games were in the shops of outlying cities as well, like LinKou.
I really enjoyed my time there, and hope you will as well.
You can say that they aren't WOW Clones but Ive gotten quite sick of seeing everyone playing the same thing, point on the ground, click on enemy to attack it, it looked more repetitive by the day, it used to be like that here in the Philippines. I like the mainstream kind where there is a story and actual gameplay(assassin's creed, god of war, gears of war, Skyrim, Fallout3, Dead Space, Mass Effect) and not click on enemy to attack till you level up all day, I know that's only my preference but it'll feel bland and lifeless to me if that's the only thing everyone knows

They are actually releasing an MMO with real-time gameplay and targeting called Tera Online, in the first week of May. =)
It's still totally different if the great epic titles like Bioshock franchise and mass Effect are virtually absent. Imagine a place where noone has any idea aside from Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga, no Metallica, no John Lennon, no MIchael Jackson, no Eminem, no Guns and Roses, just Justin and Lady Gaga or a place where everyone just knows Twilight and nothing else, no Pixar, no anything

That's a pretty good analogy, and vice your tastes it might prove to somewhat be the case. I still think you'll find game communities over there that enjoy popular western titles, the same way that there are groups of people in the states that go through the trouble of finding Japanese locale PS2's and the like so they can play japanese cartoon video games.
I think you will find it's not that different. Without really looking I was able to find two games stores and a PC shop in LinKou. Most people under the age of 20 speak English, since it's the language of business, and Taiwan is all about business.
From your replies, I think you might be bummed about having to live there, the only advice I have for you is to try to enjoy it as a new experience. I really enjoyed the time I spent there, and hope you will too.

I just realized I am one of those people. I imported a japanese ps2 to play mushihime sama before the xbox360 was released.

I agree with you, and have a suggestion. Get out and walk around where you might be living. It
s the best way to see what a place is really like. The outlying cities south of taipei can be pretty gritty, but Taipei itself was nice.