I dont want to sound like an ass (I probably will anyway, sorry) but why do you want a high refresh rate monitor with an IPS panel?
They kinda do opposite things (high refresh rate for better movement, IP induces blur/ghosting).
Here is my problem with your decision: For an IPS panel to be good enough to not have noticeable smearing ghosting and blurring (or a combination of them) it will cost a decent premium.
That is why you have monitors of ASUS costing 30% more than some LG monitors that on paper look the same. (its just an example, not a reason to dislike one brand over another).
If you want to find out more about Monitors check TFTcentral.
They have good information about many panels and you will be able to narrow down your choice far better.
(I ended up with a 240 HzTN panel after around 5 moths of research).