[citation][nom]SuperVeloce[/nom]i5's can be overclocked to some extend with turbo bins (most of them on stock voltage) and you still don' hear everyone raging about it... Overclocked AMD with 1,5Volts changes things dramatically as far as efficiency goes...[/citation]
1.5v? Why go that far?
Stock voltage is enough to push about 500mhz for free and stable with a decent air cooler.
1.4v is pretty much the maximum for me, why push it further?
PLUS people always talk about power efficiency but... come on guys, there are reports that 3570k vs 8350 actually is a win for Intel. On a 3 year period, you get about 30USD less from your electricity bill from using the Intel, but the AMD option is about 30 or 40USD cheaper, whats the difference? I call that argument absolute bullshit, we are power users, and of course we know Intel is a bit more efficient but who cares? its so little... just, dont use that argument.
Now, really I can see why people recommend the i3 or the locked i5s (which can also be OC'd with a little more work of course). Those cpus have a nice upgrade path, yes, and are better at stock in pretty much every game, but why trash the AMD solution? SPECIALLY when you get a lot of options with the red guys. First of all, unlocked everything. Second, even if the 8320 is slower than the acclaimed 3570k, you still get the 8 cores for well threaded productivity/professional programs and the option to turn of 4 cores to optimize resources for gaming (with less threads, of course). I really get the point guys, its not a fanboy thing. Intel IS better, but not thaaaat much.
I dont know guys, there is this thing about AMD, not about tech but about it as a company. No shady operations (compiler scams, pay-offs to retailers, etc). Im not saying Intel is bad bad company, but the humble and striving company, AMD, which is always trashed is not that behind, just because the market is flooded by its competitor propaganda. AMD has my respect. Intel does NOT. But its not about me, its about the public, focusing on hating and not recognizing success when evident.