Getting tired of RTS ai nowadays...


Apr 18, 2004
It seems like ever since starcraft, ai for strategy games has been going downhill. All a computer opponent ever seems to do in a skirmish is simply rush in units as soon as possible. If you beat their rush, you've basically won, because you know for a fact that there won't be anything left in their base to stop you. They "always" send everything they have and never leave(or build) any base defenses what so ever...

It's just pissing me off how predictable ai is getting.. someone needs to introduce a "random" ai on map load up. One game they may expand like a mofo, another they might bunker up, etc..

Are there ANY rts' out right now that don't follow this cookie cutter pattern? I'd love to try it. 😵
I've been playing Rise of Nations. Each nation has it's own specialty. So some nations are defensive, others are aggressive and other's are more economic. One on one it takes a while but you can master it. I'm currently working on going up against more than one enemy and that's a lot tougher. If two aggressive enemies attack you they'll come at you from different directions to flank you since they get an attack bonus for doing that. You can win in different ways too. You could just use nuclear weapons to annihilate an enemy but you can't do more than 7 or you'll all die. It also makes trading in the markets a lot more difficult. You could just build wonders to win. You could just conquer a majority of the map to win. Some scenarios just require you to take their capital. Others require you to conquer and kill everything. There's enough variety for me at least. I stopped playing it for year and just got back into it.

You could give it a shot at least. Get the expansion pack along with it.

<i><font color=red>Edited by Scamtron on 10/11/01 09:58 PM
Another example that's pretty good is just fortifying and being economic and defensive while building air bases and only sending planes, bombers, and helicopters to attack the enemy. This combined with spies and convential missiles makes for a challenging game.

<i><font color=red>Edited by Scamtron on 10/11/01 09:58 PM
Rise of Nations AI can definately be insane. I usually play with a friend against 4 computers on the "Tough" difficulty. We usually win, but sometimes the computers will surprise us and smack the crap out of us. It's a blast. (And there are 2 more difficulty levels above that)
Rise of Nations is really awesome. The best RTS I've ever played.

"Easiest" and "Easy" is very easy. But "Normal" is much harder

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