please help me i have h410m s2h gigabyte moth.. i need to install windows 7 raw but keyboard and mouse hang and not working when installation start
particulary during choose time and relegion and keyboard language please help me i need this verision .
some important note
1-i install another updated version of windows 7 work fine but i need raw one
2-i use gigabyte windows image tool but not work
3-i downolad some usb3 driver and using dsim cmd tool but not work
any one have any idea to install windows or have usb3 driver to this moth... beacuse i enter gigabyte site of motherborad but no driver usb3
particulary during choose time and relegion and keyboard language please help me i need this verision .
some important note
1-i install another updated version of windows 7 work fine but i need raw one
2-i use gigabyte windows image tool but not work
3-i downolad some usb3 driver and using dsim cmd tool but not work
any one have any idea to install windows or have usb3 driver to this moth... beacuse i enter gigabyte site of motherborad but no driver usb3