Question Gigabyte RTX 4080 Gaming OC one fan spinning at idle


Nov 2, 2020
Hi people,

I'm running into a problem with my Gigabyte RTX 4080 Gaming OC: When I'm on the desktop and the system is on idle, the last fan of the GPU starts spinning. The temps are fine (43º). The only way to stop it is by opening again and it seems that the state of the GPU "resets". I've tried everything: reinstalling drivers, reinstalling Gigabyte Control Center, and even I send it to the RMA, which they said that the GPU was perfect. Is someone having the same problem?

Have a nice day!
I believe this is the standard feature now on most GPU's. The fans will activate once those areas reach a certain temp. My Gigabyte 4090 OC does the same thing, you can bypass it with GCC or MSI Afterburner and have the fans run full time if you'd like and or change the fan curve to where they all kick on at lower temps.
I believe this is the standard feature now on most GPU's. The fans will activate once those areas reach a certain temp. My Gigabyte 4090 OC does the same thing, you can bypass it with GCC or MSI Afterburner and have the fans run full time if you'd like and or change the fan curve to where they all kick on at lower temps.

Yes, normal now that the fans stop or spin very low on gpu's to conserve energy and reduce noise.

Hu guys, sorry for the great delay, I got a lot of work and forgot about this thread completely.

The thing is that sometimes it's spinning even the hotspot is below 50°, and what you need to do is open some game, play for a bit (the necessary to make the three fans to spin), and close it, and then the last fan will stop. I mean, this is weird, it is really normal?

Again, sorry for the late reply, and thank you so much!