
Dec 26, 2017
Hey guys, Im waiting for 3rd gen ryzen and I was looking at the boards for am4. Now, I know that chances are new boards will release that more "Officially" support the 3rd gen ryzen, Im looking specifically at the 3600 model. do you guys thing
Asus Rog Strix X370-F Gaming would handle it well? I was looking at an aorus motherboard but many said it good for up until 6 cores, 3600 is an 8 core CPU, what board that already exists thats around 100-140 euros that should support the 3600 just fine?
There's no BIOS updates yet for the 3XXX series for any AM4 motherboard.

If you don't already own a Ryzen CPU & MB you mind as well wait for the X570 (or whatever it will be called) for official 3XXX support, plus the newer boards will have PCIE 4.0 support.
I know x570 is coming out but im kinda worried about the prices
I know x570 is coming out but im kinda worried about the prices
Well like anything brand spanking new the prices are going to be a bit higher but if you want a Asus Strix board that (with BIOS update) will support the 3rd gen then I would take this over the Strix X370.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX B450-F GAMING ATX AM4 Motherboard (€126.89 @ Mindfactory)
Total: €126.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-19 19:45 CET+0100

The B450 boards have much better memory compatibility/stability and overclock fine (using this board currently with a 2600).
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Well like anything brand spanking new the prices are going to be a bit higher but if you want a Asus Strix board that (with BIOS update) will support the 3rd gen then I would take this over the Strix X370.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX B450-F GAMING ATX AM4 Motherboard (€126.89 @ Mindfactory)
Total: €126.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-19 19:45 CET+0100

The B450 boards have much better memory compatibility/stability and overclock fine (using this board currently with a 2600).
Thing is, your 2600 has 65w while from 3600x and up they got 95 TDP, the one im going for, 3600 is estimated to have 65w TDP but im 100% going to overclock. They also have a higher amount of cores, i really dont know it the current boards will be able to handle 3rd gen well.
The B450 strix supports up to the 2700X which is a 105W TDP CPU so at the very least if the specs are correct on the rumors then the board should at least be able to use/OC the 3700X.,38233.html

Perhaps maybe the only ones that need new boards are those who are going for the Ryzen 9's but we won't know for a fact until released.
The other guy was correct, People should wait for x570 or b550. We should expect higher RAM speeds and ofc PCIe 4.0 support
If they are too expensive, Ill probably go with older chips, but really, why not be up to date, id give 30 euros more
Well that depends on the retailer/manufacturer but they don't usually get updated until the CPU is released. For example Asrock updated there B350 boards to support the second gen (just released) Ryzens before they shipped them out the retailers such as Newegg, which Newegg would put int the sale page that the boards were 2000 series ready.