GNU Linux can do a helluva lot more than any Windows distro.
"but the last time I checked, you don't need two client operating systems. It's good to have one."
No wonder he spazzes out so often. The animal's got rabbis. I can see the fall of MS now...
Anyone who says Windows can do more than GNU linux or Windows looks better than linux is damn crazy and don't deserve to live. How can you justify that? Maybe if you don't count all the repositories that gnu linux offers, Windows looks and can do more than linux, but once you count in the repositories, the people who say Windows>Linux are a bunch of people that deserve to die but don't deserve the bullets. With gnu and open bsd, you can virtually do EVERYTHING with linux. Make your own linux and it performs exactly as you programmed it to do, anything you program it to do.
On the otherhand, Windows won't let you modify the code (legally).
Justify your stance that Windows can do more than the al mighty gnu Linux, you animals!