[SOLVED] GPU no display on certain motherboards

Jul 21, 2020
I had an HD7850. I bought an Rx570. 570 was working fine in the shop. When i brought it home and inserted in my system there was no display. Neither from GPU or motherboard. So i unplugged 570, and motherboarf started giving display and started windows just fine.

Then i plugged in my previous GPU HD7850 and again no problems. It was giving the display just fine. So i took the 570 to the shop and checked again. And in their system it worked fine. Im getting really frustrated. They wont take the gpu back since theres nothing wrong with it. And i cant even use it. I need your help guys.

My specs
I7 3770
8gb ram
H61 intel board with 2 ram slots
650W PSU
1tb hardisk
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thanks for the reply. with all due respect. i'm not THAT dumb xD
problem was with the bios version. it had to be updated. older versions appearently did not support newer GPU's i guess. i just updates my bios and got the display.
thanks for the reply. with all due respect. i'm not THAT dumb xD
problem was with the bios version. it had to be updated. older versions appearently did not support newer GPU's i guess. i just updates my bios and got the display.