GPU size...


Jan 11, 2013
What does really matter to the gpu that can fit...Motherboard or the case ??

My motherboard is ASUS M2 N68-AM SE2

its bothering me like hell :sweat:
Hello... if you have a PCIE 16 slot you are good for most modern graphic cards... and your Motherboard does have it...

High end cards require a double wide computer case opening... 2 slot openings wide... and most Tower cases have this... desktop cases this can vary...

really high end cards are longer... and require more open room towards the front of a case... Dimensions of cards can be found on their WEBsites.

You're saying an 12.4 inch (315 mm) long graphics card (e.g. ASUS Mars II, Powercolor HD 7990 Devil 13) will fit into that case. I don't see it happening.
at around 100$, its possible to maybe find generally(at least in the U.S) HD 7750's, ~gtx 650 and the gtx 550ti. all of which shouldn't be that large in this budget range.

edit: because this is a different country,. its hard to pinpoint prices due to prices not being equal throughout the world. some places can get certain cards cheaper/more expensive.
Well as long as your motherboard supports PCIE 1.0 X16 at the minimum then it will all depend on your case and from the looks of your case you will be able to fit most cards that aren't too long.