Hi so I'm having this strange problem of randomly the GPU loses signal the times it happens is when I'm not playing a video game or doing something graphicly intensive which doesn't make sense because it only happens when I'm watching YouTube or browsing the web my GPU fans stop spinning and the monitor loess signal however the rest of the pc is working completely fine and I can still hear sound from the YouTube video and unplugging the HDMI from the GPU and putting it back in does not work I have to hold the power button until my pc turns off and when I try to power back on the pc I get no signal so I have to power it off again then turn off psu and wait like 25 minuets and a few days ago I tried to keep the gpu in my motherboard but when I turned on my pc and no signal I tried to switch the HDMI from GPU to motherboard for integrated graphics somehow surprisingly I was getting signal so I decided to go to device manager and under display adapters I could only see my integrated graphics and not even showing my GPU (keep in mind the GPU was still in the pcie motherboard slot with the psu wire connected)
For the rest of the information please go to this google drive link toms hardware wont let me post the rest
For the rest of the information please go to this google drive link toms hardware wont let me post the rest