Question GTA Online - lagging all the time in public sessions

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Aug 30, 2018
Public sessions on PC are unplayable. I just try to enter a place (like the Arcade) and it lags for minutes. This happens in sessions where there are maybe 22 people or more. This is unplayable. There are modders and their presence in the server (I guess) makes it impossible to play at all, but maybe it could be something on my end.

I have a moderate NAT type, with UPNP enabled and a public IP address (no double NAT)
Pretty normal for GTA Online these days. You know how mod menus work, right? It injects foreign code in public lobbies overloading every player's GPUs memory. Just turn your on-screen logging and you will see it for yourself. That's when slowness in performance occurs. I have Radeon chill enabled on mine with FPS range 60-144. In good lobbies, I am averaging at around 100 fps at 1440.
Pretty normal for GTA Online these days. You know how mod menus work, right? It injects foreign code in public lobbies overloading every player's GPUs memory. Just turn your on-screen logging and you will see it for yourself. That's when slowness in performance occurs. I have Radeon chill enabled on mine with FPS range 60-144. In good lobbies, I am averaging at around 100 fps at 1440.
Late reply on my side - thank you.
Do you have tips on how to get into smaller sessions, or session with the least amount of modders?
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