Jan 11, 2020
when i play games on fullscreen my gpu usage is always low like 10% and doesnt go over around 60 fps and its not capped in game but when i go windowed fullscreen gpu usage goes up and i get 144fps and thats what it is capped at any idea what it could be .
my specs:
gtx 1070 8gb
i7 4790 3.8ghz
16 gb ram
1tb ssd
2 tb hdd
Hello, nizyt.

The FPS should be higher on Fullscreen, as it doesn't have to render everything else you have open. 144 FPS may be capped by the monitor. A 144Hz monitor means it refreshes the screen 144 times per second, meaning you can get maximum of 144 FPS. You can also overclock the monitor, although I am not familiar with that things. The GPU usage at 10 % when gaming can also mean the CPU can't keep up with the GPU performance, meaning you would need to get a better CPU (however you have an Intel i7 + the usage goes up when you go into Windowed Fullscreen).

I haven't helped with this, haven't I?
Sorry, but I hope it did help out even a little.

Thanks for reading!
didnt really help but i appreciate the feedback and the cpu usage was fine and i have a 144 hz monitor and i noticed when i put the game on my second moniotr that is only 60 hz the game goes to 144 fps so i checked and made sure that the moniotr was at 144 hz and it was but idk what it is thats happening its really weird